hybridous: Kids from strong witness families might stay in the cult, get married...but they aren't breeding. I don't quite get it. The WT, to my knowledge, hasn't in some time actively campaigned for young members to stay childless, so I'm left with the notion that they are choosing this on their own.
There are several things contributing to the no-children mentality. As you mentioned, many of us endured more than a few DC talks and Botchtower studies that pushed childlessness. Such "counsel" sticks with you, your extended family, the congregation, and the BoE. The added messages of "Armageddon coming soon, postpone everything!" and, "This Satanic System is ultra wicked and getting worse by the day!" keep couples thinking that they should wait until after the fictional big A, when paradise produces perfect babies. And for those of us born-in, despite the desire to have a family, I don't want my children to have to endure all the JW crap through school and childhood. Those that are coming into the bOrg later in life just aren't going to understand the all the hassle of a child's life if you have a hard time sitting still through a boring talk, or having to go out in serve-us when normal kids get to sleep late, watch cartoons, unwrap Christmas presents, and go play at your friend's Birthday Party. Yeah, growing up a dub... good times... NOT.
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