When will they realise that the bus isn't coming?

by eyeslice 53 Replies latest jw friends

  • Bangalore

    Guess the bus is still broken down.


  • Nambo

    I spoke with a Lovely Lady C of E Vicar a few weeks back, and asked if she thought we where near Jesus second coming.

    She replied that people have allways been waiting for Jesus second coming, I gathered she was not at all interested in such a thing ever occuring.

    Most religions probably had this initial imputous, and hoped they would be "the ones".

    If the JWs survive, they will possibly turn into just another social church like the rest of them.

    Jesus did give an illustration about Virgins who got fed up waiting for the Bridegroom and fell asleep and missed out. He gave that for a reason.

    A shame in view of the hard work most Witnesses have done, the lives wasted, (though God will allways remember the Love they showed for his name),

    and all because a group of over zealous men decided to print thier own bus timetable because they couldnt read the one at the bus stop.

  • wha happened?
    wha happened?

    Talking about trolls.....

  • wha happened?
    wha happened?

    Talking about trolls.....

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