When will they realise that the bus isn't coming?

by eyeslice 53 Replies latest jw friends

  • eyeslice

    I was still a kid and living at home at the time, and so that must have been well over 30 years ago, that I heard Ron Drage (now a senior member of the UK Bethel) say "if you are waiting at the bus stop it, is better to be 10 minutes early rather than miss it". What he was referring to of course was the then then 1975 issue; in other words Armageddon has arrived yet but it just round the corner and we are a little early for it.

    I don't know what brought this to my mind the other day but I got to thinking, surely if you are waiting for a bus and you get there 10 minutes early and it doesn't then turn up, how long do you wait? 10 minutes, 15 minutes, half an hour, an hour, two hours? At some point surely you realise "this bus isn't coming". Then any reasonable person would start to think about making other arrangements. Perhaps I should walk, perhaps I should look for an alternative form of transport.

    I have been out for 5 or 6 years now but I still believe that life is a spiritual journey. I am no longer sure what exactly what this journey is or indeed what real spirituality is. On the positive side though, I am no longer just waiting at the bus stop wondering. I have decided to walk; I am not sure how or where it will lead me but I am least moving on.

  • Quandry

    Yes. Perhaps the bus broke down. Maybe a different bus will come.

  • bluecanary

    That makes me think of sitting at a stoplight that never turns green. How long do you sit there before you figure the damn thing is broken and just go on red?

  • nelly136

    generations of busses will all turn up at once, or maybe it was the wrong stop

  • Narkissos

    Good illustration...

    To take another famous one: the point about "stepping out of the magic circle" is that you are never instructed to do it. Transgression is something you cannot be taught.

  • Lady Lee
    Lady Lee

    I think a lot of people get to the point where they think that since they have already spent so much of their time waiting it makes little sense to stop now. After all it can't be that much longer.

    We don't like to be wrong. Especially in front of others who are waiting with us. We don't want to be the one that gives up while others watch us walk away. What if the bus comes right after we turn the corner away from the stop.

    The longer we invest in something whether it is time or effort or beliefs the harder it is to say we were wrong. And most JWs have given up everything to be right. Acknowledging the fact that they have been lied to, manipulated, conned, and betrayed is a huge pill that most JWs do not want to swallow.

  • The Almighty Homer
    The Almighty Homer

    The unfortunate reality is that they will continue indefinitely printing out a bus schedule

    as long as there are people looking for somewhere else to go from where they are now.

  • leavingwt

    Most of them will never realize it.

    How many JW funerals have you been to? I've been to far too many to count.

    They don't need the bus to come. They'll just wait for Jehovah to resurrect them. They're just so happy that a chance to share in such an important, life-saving work.

  • The Almighty Homer
    The Almighty Homer

    The WTS. has essentially created a bus that says "To Paradise" written on the sides , unfortunately there is no driver and the bus is out of gas.

  • hybridous

    Was it ever really about the bus coming? More and more, I suspect that it was only about having people waiting for something.

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