Amarillo City Representatives Went to Bethel--Look what they said...

by CrimsonBleu 32 Replies latest jw friends

  • CrimsonBleu

    This email came from my sister. I copied and pasted as is. What do you all think of this? I'd like to reply with a comment to my sis, but maybe better keep quiet...

    Hello Dear friends

    Here is a tidbit from our convention here in Amarillo. This is NOT a spoiler. The item was included in our closing talk and related to the entire brotherhood in the US branch.

    It seems the motel association here in Amarillo decided to cease giving any breaks to our brothers coming to the annual convention which has been held here in Amarillo for some thirty years. As a result the brotherhood was able to schedule only one convention here this year. But their decision was made a year ago. And it was reported to me that some motels actually raised rates to the brothers giving no thought to possible consequences. Then last fall the economy started to crumble and travel diminished. Empty rooms generate no income. Add to that the fact that the reduced number of conventions (reduced from a high of four conventions to only one this year) resulted in fewer meals being served at local restaurants, fewer items purchased at grocery stores and department stores (even Wal Mart) which fact results in fewer tax dollars coming into the city when revenues are already down.

    The City of Amarillo wanting to be assured that we were not planning on leaving Amarillo sent a three man delegation of business men to Bethel to plead the case of Amarillo. Anyway, the brotherhood welcomed them and gave them a tour of Paterson and Brooklyn. This tour and the brotherhoods obvious professional way of doing business so impressed theses men that they made this comment as reported in a letter from the governing body to us here in Amarillo and partially read at our convention, this point. "We feel you people should be placed in charge of the US government and in six months you would have the problems, including the economy fixed."

    The entire 5000 plus audience were very happy to hear this assessment of our organization and our work. And that comment from the Chamber of Commerce and the city may open a few hearts to Jehovah.

    Just as I was about to post this the local news ( KFDA channel 10) reported the dollars spent in Amarillo by conventioneers this weekend at more than two million.

    Bob Weyer
    Amarillo, Texas
  • SixofNine

    translation: "we came to your headquarters in our official capacity as suck-ups, and as a friendly reminder of our visit and our convention and tourism capabilities, we are sending you this follow-up suck-up. Signed, Amarillo Official Convention and Tourism Suck-up Director".

    "We feel you people should be placed in charge of the US government and in six months you would have the problems, including the economy fixed."

    Of course we can take the WBT$ word on that..Why would they lie?..


  • cantleave

    We the officials of Amarillo want you business - "this is the way to Amarillo"........................................

  • The Almighty Homer
    The Almighty Homer

    "We feel you people should be placed in charge of the US government and in six months you would have the problems, including the economy fixed."

    Gee it wouldn't be because everyone who works at Bethel is an indoctrinated controlled robot.

    There are other religious groups around the world that those words would be just as fitting.

    This message of encouragement was created by the propaganda department as per usual.

    As is typical for Motel and Hotel owners they raise their rates for the summer, I doubt the comment that they were too high

    so the society had to cut the number of conventions to just one is true, just good old fashion JW Bullshit for their cause.

  • Atomahawk

    Most large cities and states have people responsible for increasing tourism and business investments and it’s nothing new or special. Of course the WTS would actually spin this in a manner that would make it sound as if they were very special and important, flattering the ego is a mainstay of the organization. In my area we have one of the largest and best organized gay pride parades in the world, it brings in 10’s of millions in tourism dollars every year, if those same officials went to see the organizers I’m certain they would be very impressed and would say exactly the same thing "We feel you people should be placed in charge of the US government and in six months you would have the problems, including the economy fixed."

    You have to be really naïve to believe a complement is sincere when there’s money at stake.

  • Gerard


  • AK - Jeff
    AK - Jeff

    Perhaps some of our folks here attended Amarillo this year, and can tell us if any of the above fits the facts.

    We lived there in the 80's and attended DC's there. There usually were 3 if I recall. We lived five or six blocks away and walked to the downtown venue they used at that time.


  • VM44

    "We feel you people should be placed in charge of the US government and in six months you would have the problems, including the economy fixed."

    This is a joke...right?

  • FlyingHighNow

    The brotherhood. I think I shall be sick. It becomes a real brotherhood only when you leave and come to places like JWN.


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