any ideas?
How much does behel/bethels around the world conribite to local and national economies?
by badboy 17 Replies latest jw friends
Only to some of the better pizza joints nearby, and liquor stores. Other than that, i can't think of any locals that benefit.
Obviously they have to buy things locally, like electricity, water, food, fuel. They may or may not have to pay property taxes or "protection" to some thug governments. I have heard that in very poor countries they teach people to read, but not on the scale of the Catholic church, which, say what you will, has given basic education to more people that a lot of governments.
......bethel contribute to the local economies.......
Oh, sorry, I didn't realize you were serious.
Spike Tassel
I believe that the Bethel's contribution is mainly to the economy of the Messianic Kingdom (which is highly spiritual in nature), though it must have an effect on international trade relations such as with local and national economies, since not all can be bought with love.
keep thinking that spike.
They buy and use a lot of paper , somebody must be making a few bucks out of that.
Otherwise they contribute NOTHING of import, either locally or nationally.
They waste huge amounts of coal (which belongs in certain people's stockings, not in their coal generators that supply the printing presses). They also waste huge amounts of paper. Which takes these resources away from where they would do some real good.
I do have to say though, in defense of the WT, that their magazine do, when shredded, make excellent animal bedding for my hamster. I am sorry, but I have to say the WT could probably do very well if they changed course and became a retailer of animal bedding.
What do you think?
I believe that the Bethel's contribution is mainly to the economy of the Messianic Kingdom (which is highly spiritual in nature), though it must have an effect on international trade relations such as with local and national economies, since not all can be bought with love.
Pride that dines on vanity, sups on contempt. ~Benjamin Franklin
There are no grades of vanity, there are only grades of ability in concealing it. ~Mark Twain, Notebook, 1898Vanity dies hard; in some obstinate cases it outlives the man. ~Robert Louis Stevenson