Family Worship VITAL FOR SURVIVAL - Oct 09 WT Study Edition

by Hopscotch 30 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • steve2

    I think we may be over-estimating the receptivity of even dedicated readers to the Watchtower articles. Judging by the sleepy state of local JWs, the Watchtower's most likely impact may be at most yawn-inducing.

    Remember, even when hearing information read out loud, there are lots of other more fascinating places one's mind can successfully go, rendering the information being read out as little more that "Jehovah blah, blah, blah, blah, and "vital that you" blah, blah, blah...for family worship blah, blah, blah, as we are deep in the end blah, blah, blah..." Next.

  • twinkle toes
    twinkle toes

    This is a little off topic because the majority of it is more about meeting attendance. But I feel that it speaks to the fact that witness parents were raised to deal with their children in a firm way. Children are to be seen and not heard type mentality. This is what our family study nights were like. My mom would get annoyed after about 20 min. She would be angry because my brothers were practially laying on the table in boredom (or embarrassment depending on the subject at hand). Then everyone would start arguing and go off in different directions.My mom would start into my Dad about not leading his household in spiritual matters. What a blessing family study night was for us.

    Can you imagine if they printed this article now. I highlighted my favorite part


    1 M ANY parents argue that they have tried everything to apply the admonition of Jehovah in training their children to understand their proper place in the New World society, but to no avail. Have you? Have you tried habit, for instance? How about the good habit of discussing the daily Bible text each morning? Can you picture what a firm groove that would imbed in the child’s mind and how it would help to keep before the child the purposes of God? Then, too, how about having a regular Bible study right in the home for the benefit of the entire family? Does your family study TheWatchtower together some evening before the meeting? This also can become a good habit for children and parents alike, resulting in much joy to all. How about the regular habit of meeting attendance? Being present at every Watchtower study can become such a strong habit that it will not be jeopardized by light excuses for staying away from this important meeting. Other congregation meetings also are important and should be included in the weekly budget of time and become good habits. Humans are habit-forming; so why not cultivate good habits very early in life?


    Just having our children with us at the meetings, however, is not adequate. Here they will be expected to pay attention and not play, draw pictures or have side attractions. They should be taught that there is a time for things other than play. It may require the rod of correction to impress the necessity for being quiet and paying attention, but, when properly applied, such measures need not be repeated often. Sometimes a young boy of five or six will begin to get restless in the meeting and start fussing, disturbing many. His father, sitting beside him, will try to quiet him. He continues fussing and the father starts to get up to take the boy out. The boy does not want to go—he has been outside with his daddy before and has lost every round. So now junior becomes quiet for the rest of the meeting. Thus we see that when discipline is firmly and kindly applied so as to be remembered, it will be beneficial. Kind application may not always be soft application. Such discipline is not an indication of hatred on the part of parents, because an obedient child is generally very fond of a father and mother who mete out discipline in the proper way. Most of us have observed how children respect parents who enforce their words—with penalties, if necessary—and do not let their words die as mere idle threats. Most persons have respect for one who makes his word good, and that includes children. Children, be admonished therefore: "Be obedient to your parents in union with the Lord, for this is righteous: ‘Honor your father and mother’; which is the first command with a promise." And, too, you parents who love your children, reprove the children for their good even as ‘those whom Jehovah loves he disciplines, as in fact he scourges everyone whom he receives as a son.’ Discipline is not pleasant at the time, but corrects for righteousness.—Eph. 6:1, 2; Heb. 12:6, 11,

  • Wasanelder Once
    Wasanelder Once

    Hasn't anyone drawn the parallel between the long standing mormon "Family Night" and the new Watchtower "Family Worship night?" It is so pathetic that the WT used to tout how they had Five, count'em, FIVE! meetings a week and others were spiritually starved, including the Mormons with their family worship night. They encourage the exact activities as the JW's. I wonder if they didn't convert one and he made it to the top. No one is doing this I am sure. W.Once

  • cantleave

    How many non study articles ever get read?

    This is not a study article so no-one is going to read it.

  • 1914BS

    Well those creeps were touting the book study as THEE arangement now and forever.


    Meeting together will be a permanent part of our spiritual lives ...... my ass.... as long as gas prices don't go up

  • Lillith26

    I didnt make is past reading the first paragraph Vomitbut thank you for posting the scans... I did notice it mentioned that the 'head' of the family is usually a single parent- are they admitting to being responsible for breaking up families?????????

  • cameo-d

    "God's angelic sons are invited into his presence at appointed times"......

    So does this mean they are abducted by UFO's and taken up where Enoch went?

    Or this is a subtle implication to get ready for these "sons of god" to reveal themselves as the 144,000....your new spiritual leaders who will be channeling the christ consciousness?

    Do we know when the next "appointed time" is? Maybe we could crash the party!

  • Hopscotch

    I just went back and read the first paragraph. Talk about using a fear inspiring apocalyptic scenario to get the readers mind into the necessary fearful state to obey the following instructions on family study.


  • dissed

    After considering this article, I am FIRMLY convinced, the GB of the WTS HATES children.

    When it comes to families, the GB will never listen and therefore never learn what it takes to keep families happy and together.

  • nelly136

    YOUR CHILDREN WILL DIE IF YOU DON'T dont forget to make it a fun lesson.

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