That building won't let any LIGHT in, will it?
by kurtbethel 51 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
That building won't let any LIGHT in, will it?
Stillin: "windows were discouraged by the Society on new halls. There is a potential for vandalism,"
windows encourage vandalism? lol
I would think blank walls look much more encouraging to a graffitti vandal!!!
Creepy is the perfect choice of words. No windows, little landscaping, no flowers, about Paradise Lost.
Not so much to discourage vandalism so much on the outside but to discourage break-ins and the theft of sound equipment and destroying the auditorium.
Who cares about some graffitti or broken signs...we've got to keep those indoctrination sessions going...
the really pathetic part is when the local JW's act proud of their plywood box. C'mon...seriously...the hub of theocratic activity in our territory.
undercover: Not so much to discourage vandalism so much on the outside but to discourage break-ins and the theft of sound equipment
That is absolutely laughable!
Why would anyone risk 20 years in the pen for a lousy amp that can be cheaply purchased from any pawn shop?
Other churches have real gold and antiques!
That anyone would bother to rob or vandalise a KH is really a stretch.
I think the "no windows" figures in KH being a downline organization in a death cult.
The odd architecture symbolizes a TOMB.
Also symbolizes the watchtowers of old that were used to hold prisoners.
The watchtower construction is metaphoric for isolation, confinement, and death.
Very creepy.
I am sorry that sometimes I let the hurt that the WTS caused fog my thinking and eyes. Sometimes I jump the gun and automatically become critical of everything the WTS does.
Just to be fair, this Kingdom Hall picture is not creepy at all compared to some of the churches in my neighborhood. Two were recently build, an Assembly of God and a Penecostal church. One has windows and the other does not have any windows. Neither are as appealing to view as the Kingdom Hall in the picture.
There are Jehovah`s Witness`s inside..
Hanging from the ceiling like Bat`s!!..
My 21 yo daughter (never been a Witness) was impressed...she said it'd make a good zombie apocalypse bunker. No windows, metal doors open space all around....