Another example of their sick minds? Official policy on the resignation of elders. You are not permitted to simply resign. This is official, written policy, as per a BOE letter on the subject. They have to wait until the CO's visit to look you over and allow the resignation.
Very true. The year I resigned, I turned in a letter in August. I was told that the letter had to be submitted to the organization and they would decide if my reasons for resigning were valid. I told them to do what they wanted, but I was done in August. They asked that I not tell "the publishers." I complied because I wanted to fade, not raise any need to consider DF later.
In October, the C.O. visited and said that my letter was reviewed and my resignation was approved. What a flicking cult!
I think we credit the GB too much when we suggest they have a strategy regarding apostates and the internet. In my view, I think they sense they are on the Titanic, slowly sinking, and knowing there isn't a whole helluva lot they can do about it, other then to scare their flock into not looking, and hope for the best on that score.....
I tend to agree. We think they stumbled into a genius stroke with "blood fractions" because it minimizes lawsuits, makes them look somewhat reasonable, moves toward phasing out the old blood stand, allows those that disagree with fractions to be sidelined and told to just abstain from fractions and whole blood. But I think it was just an accident that they came upon this genius way out. In other areas where they try to similarly phase out old light, they trip on their own shadows. "This generation" was a confusing change in 1995 and the 2008 change was too quick. If they just went to the 2008 change, it would have been less confusing and less rapid for new light changes. The '95 change was clearly crisis management, just as abolishing the 1935 limit on anointed was crisis management.
Crisis management is the norm now. Selling property in a harsh economy, cutting back in the time of the end on things that should be expanding, pressuring parents to get their kids to stay instead of giving kids a reason to stay.