Yes, I've been out for 20 years, but I can't pat myself on the back too much. It took another 12 years or so to get my mind out.
What Assembly were you baptized at...
by vilot 114 Replies latest jw friends
Bowes Road - quite a small venue
1977 circuit assembly in Florida--I have a picture somewhere..........
Ogden, Utah District Assembly, 1960. I was in the 6th grade, so I was obviously mature enough! I couldn't even feed myself or put clothes on my back, drive a car or get on some rides in amusement parks, but I could make an irrevokable and lifetime contract to serve all the whims and fancies of a Printing Corporation.
Circuit Assembly, Ventura, CA 1956. I remember being embarrassed in the changing tent because I didn't have pubic hair yet. Must have looked like a little plucked chicken. The water was so cold I was gasping when the bro put his hand over my face and dunked me. And no dove when I came up out of the water.
aligot ripounsous
Colombes rugby stadium in Paris suburbs, july 1981. Didn't bother remembering the name of that D.A.
It seems like most were baptized over twenty years ago.
Besides the very young and those with mental/emotional issues, not too many are getting baptized anymore.
I would say its a good sign very few are recently baptized (bet the WBT$ is thankful for third world nations).
Really convinces you that this is an organization going backwards.
1997...freeman coliseum....San Antonio, TX
Too Opinionated
1993 DC in Madison, WI.
In a moonlit pond, surrounded by my fellow acolytes dressed in white robes. Afterwards, we chanted and ate cakes and wine.
Oh, you meant my DUB baptism!!! Don't remember.