At the grocery store

by beksbks 102 Replies latest jw friends

  • beksbks

    Hey Startingover!! That first site you linked, Worlds Healthiest Foods? That's my home page. I've always been very interested in health and nutrition.

    Honestly, I was amazed. Now if I was behind Musky there, you think I would be saying "Say there mister, you've got an aweful lot of prepared foods in there. Where are all your vegetables???"

    I might say that to him here, but certainly not in the grocery store

  • beksbks

    Hehe Hope, she actually had to repeat herself, I could feel my face go blank. I just mumbled something like "oh is that so?". Then began a conversation with the cashier.

    I should have ripped open the package and sucked it down right there!

  • betterdaze

    ... And the salmon will give you mercury poisoning!

    Just heard that one, a few weeks ago, from a lifelong commercial beef-eater with advanced heart disease.

    How and why and where the EFF I mean heck do these people get off "sharing" their health and nutrition tips?


  • dinah

    I want what musky's having.

  • JeffT

    Robert Heinlein put it very well. "The proper punctuation for a sentence that begins with 'it may be none of my business, but' is with a period after 'but'. The person to whom the remark is addressed should feel free to supply one." I suppose if they leave out the preamble you're free to proceed to supplying the period.

  • NewYork44M

    Salmon steak, artichokes, potatoes, grapes, peaches, and goat cheese.

    That sounds like the beginning of a tasty meal. mmmm

  • vikesgirl101

    OMG, I think you should have opened up her purse, and gone through it.

  • Billy the Ex-Bethelite
    Billy the Ex-Bethelite

    Then she looks me in the eye and says "You know all dairy causes breast cancer don't you?".

    My most likely response would be: "Really, everything causes cancer. Anyone who would say otherwise is trying to sell you something."

    Or, I might say, "No worries, hon. These breasts are fake. Why else would I buy a new set of Southern Peaches (pointing at the fruit) every few days?"

    Now, beks, aren't you glad you don't have to take me shopping with you?

    B the X

  • I quit!
    I quit!

    I've had a similar experience where a woman commented on my soy milk. She told me it caused some disease. I don't remember which one now. I just said thanks for the information and told her I would look into it. I guess people like that feel like they are trying to help you.

  • beksbks

    I quit! Maybe it's like the JW's, they feel so puffed up with knowledge, they must share it!

    Billy, I woulda laughed my buns (real, not fake) off if you had been with me and said something like that. Come on out to Cali, we'll go grocery shopping, and just dare someone to say something!

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