I looked up the definition of "cult" on Dictionary.com. Definition #1 read as follows "a particular system of religious worship, esp.with reference to its rites and cerimonies." That soundeed vanilla enough ...
Scrolling down to #2, I saw "An instance of great veneration of a person, ideal or thing, esp. as manifested by a body of admirers (such as) the physical fitnerss cult. Goodness, one could apply that discription to anything from politicians to sports heros.
#4 didn't help: "A group or sect bound together by veneration of the same thing, person, ideal, etc." I believe all nations on earth would manifest such reverence toward their government ...
I thought #6 might fit the indictment against organizations such as the WBTS ... until it specified that a cult is under the direction of a charismatic leader, of which JWs have no such one identifiable person.
So why do so many speak with distain, referring to Jehovah's Witness as a dangerous "cult"? Could it not be said that by definition the group does not accurately fufill the charicteristics of a dangerous organization?