What do you know "without googling" about the reputed mechanisms for evolution?
The universe, at a very basic level, seems to be geared for the spontaneous self assembly of simple things into more complex things. More complex things combine into yet more complex things. And as the complexity increases, under the right conditions some things can make more of themselves.
Subatomic particles turn into atoms. Atoms into molecules, molecules into bigger molecules. Bigger molecules into self replicating molecules.
Complex things that are capable of replication selfishly make more of themselves. Subtle variations lead to different levels of fitness in terms of sustaining replication. More successful replicators drown out less successful ones. And so on: Self replicating molecules combine into prokaryotic cells. Prokaryotes combine into eukaryotes, and eukaryotes combine into multi cellular organisms. Multicellular organisms combine into cooperative communities of multicellular organisms.....and so on.
You can take all the base proteins of a T4 bacteriophage (virus) agitate them in a test tube, and the proteins will self assemble into a T4 bacteriophage.
Those that oppose evolution based on evidence have lost the debate. The evidence is not there.
Spntaneous complexity. It is the way the Universe works. It is like a one way ratchet over time.
That is not all I know, but it is a start.