JW hijacked sisters my wedding

by artemis.design 27 Replies latest jw friends

  • Finally-Free

    When I got married I made it clear that uninvited people would not be admitted. I also made it clear that I would personally, physically throw uninvited people out on their asses.

    I guess I put some noses out of joint because half of the guests never showed up. Good. More food for me. Of course, maybe they didn't come because it was a booze-free wedding.


  • Tired of the Hypocrisy
    Tired of the Hypocrisy

    She should have asked me to watch the door. Invitation only. No invite??? No problem! Here is a parting gift for you...Then I plant my foot squarely on their butt.

  • wha happened?
    wha happened?

    sorry but this thread made me throw up a little in my mouth.

  • White Dove
    White Dove

    Sounds like some of the games the host parents make the kids do at JW slumber parties, if they are allowed to have a slumber party at all.

  • artemis.design

    Thanks for your comments. It sounds like the stupid plays and games are not that common at weddings afterall. It must be just their congregation then as all their weddings seem to follow a similar format. I am not sure who organised them. It was not someone in the family. I don't think it was done maliciously but the anoying this was it was written on the invitation that it was to be a dinner and dance. So they can not say they did not realise.

    Yes I agree about lack of social skills. But in this case I think it was just down right rudeness. Sis had already invited everyone from the 2 congregations even though she did not want to, but still around another 50 turned up.

    Luckily I left JW at 18 before I became completly socially inept.

    Marriage at 19. I thought it a rather bad idea at the start. But you all know the reason for that. Marriage or "imorality".

    Arte :)

  • Roski

    I remember going to the wedding of a Vietnamese pioneer couple. The elders completely controlled every part of that wedding and scrutinized everything that was done. They would not allow anything that bordered on being traditionally Vietnamese as those customs weren't theocratic. They sang kingdom songs and did demo's. The whole attitude of the elders was one of "we have to be here to watch because these people can't be trusted to keep it theocratic". Thinking back - that was a significant nail in the coffin for me.

  • Psychotic Parrot
    Psychotic Parrot

    My sister's wedding (at age 20, to a 35 year old divorcee) was 4 days after 9/11. It was quite liberal for a j-dub wedding, partly because i think everyone was in party mode cause they thought 9/11 meant the great tribulation had started

  • carla

    Would jw's show up a completely non jw wedding because they know the one and only jw in the whole place?

  • blondie

    Evidently the WTS has had enough complaints to address the problem of people attending receptions without an invitation. It is totally selfishness on their part which seems to be a trait among many jws.

    *** w00 5/1 p. 20 Joyful Weddings That Honor Jehovah ***Unless it has been stated that a reception is open to all, a true follower of Jesus would avoid attending a wedding reception uninvited and partaking of food and drink provided for the invited guests. Those tempted to go uninvited should ask themselves, ‘Would my attending this wedding feast not show a lack of love for the newlyweds? Would I not cause inconvenience and detract from the joy of the occasion?’ Rather than take offense at not being invited, an understanding Christian may lovingly send a message to congratulate the couple and wish them Jehovah’s blessing. He may even consider helping the couple by sending a gift to add to the happiness of their wedding day.—Ecclesiastes 7:9; Ephesians 4:28.

    *** w69 5/1 p. 284 Social Events Need Christian Moderation ***After a wedding in Toronto, Canada, the couple shared a "sit-down" meal with only a few very close friends and relatives, and they later had "open house" with light snacks for the congregation in general. Following a wedding in Düsseldorf, Germany, just sixteen were at the feast in a restaurant. This allowed for relaxed conversation. The money saved by having a small gathering was wisely put to use by the couple in their new assignment as special pioneer ministers. True, others might have liked to be at the celebration, but they understood that the couple could not, as the groom put it, "invite all." However, they were pleased to share in the couple’s happiness by being at the Kingdom Hall for the marriage talk.

    So whether a wedding feast will include many people, or just a few, whether it will be by invitation only, or "open house," or whether a reception will be held at all, can be decided by the couple getting married. Those who have cultivated Christian moderation will "live with soundness of mind and righteousness and godly devotion amid this present system of things."—Titus 2:12.

  • DJK

    They had a fantastic band lined up? IMO I don't think so.

    This is how every reception I attended went and it went this way at my wedding. The band leads the whole event, just as the bride and groom lay it out, from the moment the family and the new couple enter the reception facility, til the couple leave. No room for unwanted activities.

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