JW hijacked sisters my wedding

by artemis.design 27 Replies latest jw friends

  • artemis.design

    Actually the band was really good. But they were just a band and did not have a compare. They didn't really have much chance to do owt. It literally was hijacked. You would have to see it to believe it.

    The band carried on for an hour longer without charging extra. Shows how the "worldy" people take more consideration to the couples wishes.

    I was a bit anoyed that Dad or Uncle did not step in. Even leaders among men cower patheticaly when it comes to WT. I get so annoyed with them sometimes.


  • Anti-Christ

    I have been married for almost 12 years now, I was 21 and my wife was 19. We have a 13 month little girl now and we are very happy. At our wedding it was very clear and no body messed around. I got married in my kilt, at first the elders were not to sure and I told them my wedding my rules and if you what to be there you better accept that fact. We had scottish music and dance everybody had fun because they said it was different.

    If your sister does not want people walking all over her for the rest of her life she is going to have to learn to stand up for herself. I hope she will be happy with her husband.

  • mkr32208

    Thats why they need a 'director of the feast' to say 'get this shit out of here before I start knocking heads off...'

  • Odrade

    I had to go toe-to-toe with certain family members *cough*MIL*cough* so that the invitation would NOT be posted in the KHs. I invited 100 people, and well over 200 showed up. I served cake and punch, we ran out of everything before I even got any cake. There was no hijacking possible though, because I made sure to hold the reception at a place that turned off the lights and locked up at 10:30pm. Reception started at 8ish. I wanted to "elope."

  • rebel8

    Oh.my.gawd. These stories!

    I wish there was a Watchtower article on etiquette pertaining to parties. The questions would be awesome.

    1 Who is the host? Is it the freeloaders or is it the people who are paying for it?

    2 Who determines the guest list? Is it the no-life parasites or is it the host(s)?

    3 Why is it not permissible to attend a social event uninvited?

    4 What Biblical principles advise hosts to stone uninvited guests to death?

    5 Who determines the details of the event--refreshments, entertainment, etc.? Is it the guest or the hosts?

  • choosing life
    choosing life

    Recent jw weddings I have been to have had a list of invited persons and if you were not on the list, you were not allowed in. No exceptions.

    There was a director that who doubled as a bouncer.

  • artemis.design

    I would send all the freeloaders a nice card. Perhaps containing a copy of the article Blondie put on here (thank you for going to the trouble to do that) and a bill attached. You ate my food, and drank my wine. £25.99 plus service change. Cash or cheque accepted. I doubt they will though. My family have decided to put the matter behind them. It is now on the very very long list of things we don't talk about.

    I have made it clear to my family they will be having no involvement in the planning of my wedding next year. I am having a magician, a rock band, a bucket load of horse shoe confetti and every other pagan thing I can think of. I did draw the line at getting married in a church tho, think that would have been a step too far.


  • Finally-Free

    Just to add to Rebel8's list of questions:

    When someone shows up uninvited, the host should:

    1. Urinate on the offender's shoes.
    2. Take the offender's wallet.
    3. Wack the offender with a baseball bat.
    4. All of the above.


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