I actually feel pretty good after talking to witnesses. If they come across anyone who knows a lot about the org.( as many on this site do) then they haven't a hope. I find most of them just move on to another point when they see they are losing the arguement. Some old witness friends of mine said they would be in touch by e-mail to talk about why I left the org. Needless to say I haven't heard a word from them.
Does your JW family exhaust you?
by LucyA 24 Replies latest forum announcements
At times it can be a tad stressful, usually because I am tryinG NOT to get into an argument.
On Sunday we were at the beach and my Mom and Sister were talking with some of their "spiritual" brothers and sisters about someone in their congregation and one of the sisters asks." Is she in the truth?", to which my sister replies, Of course not" ( I assume because she was not being a proper JW), but my mom says, "She is in the truth, but the truth is not in her".
*rolles eyes*
You know, I can be very judgemental about many things, things that I am QUALIFIED to be judgmental about, but in regards to whether someone is in in "the truth" or in regards to someones salvation, I think that is best left to the only person qualified to judge, Jesus.
I just got up and took my kids to the water to build a sand castle, its just to draining to argue sometimes.
it exhausts them at times.........I take no prisoners in annoying witness relatives
true story....last week my mother in law was up at our house....she was going on about a documentary on catholic priests and paedophilia.....
I asked her....."have you ever heard of silent lambs"?....she said...."is that a book"?.....honest!!!....I'm sure she was thinking of "silence of the lambs"
I said ...."no it's a website"....and then my wife said......"it's a website talking about Jehovah's witnesses".............he he
annoy the hell out of the culties...it's our duty
I only had 2 JWs in my family. I divorced one and the other died a couple of years ago. Yes, they were exhausting. I wasn't trying to get them out of the cult. I just wanted them to quit nagging me to go back. As long as I had some peace and quiet I didn't care if they kept going. They weren't content with that. JWs never are.
hey FF ...are you telling us....you killed one of them?
if you did.....I just want you to know.....i understand bro.....and I WILL HELP YOU TO HIDE THE BODIES........he he
I didn't read the whole thread, but yes they do and that's why I keep spending time with them to a minimum. You can't have a decent conversation with them without hearing about the ministry, convention, special talk, how much they love jehoova god, blah, blah blah blah blah!
Hey everyone how's it going?
Hey Nj, where ya been girlfriend?
On topic: I try to keeping any interaction with my parents (jws til the day they die) to a minimum. Everytime I see them they do something to disrepect my hubby. I'm done.
Thanks everyone
Just a Follow Up Question. How do you keep contact to a minimum Without being disrespectful?
my friend and I have a similar life situation, but the difference is i was DFd and she came back to have her family, - she doesnt attend meetings but she got reinstated, and her family give her so much pressure its unbelievable. I miss my family but I have to say the incessant badgering would drive me insane. - in a way Im best that they cant discuss their truths with me. its also sad because I love my mum and I wish she would wake up. x