It's WT leaders, not elders, who are responsible for all the harm. My Geneva, Switz. lecture posted here for new ones & Sola Scriptura to read

by AndersonsInfo 77 Replies latest watchtower scandals

  • Mary
    KEEP IT SECRET" has been WT's child abuse policy for years. They had long feared that if exposure of child abuse was publicized, some type of public reproach would settle on the group; hence, interfering with conversions. So it's always been about self-preservation-not children.

    And herein is the foundation of what the problem is. While it's understandable that the leaders of any religion is going to find it very embarassing admitting that there are pedophiles in their midst, the fact of the matter is, there are pedophiles in all walks of life and probably in all religions. Had the Governing Body members acknowledged that there are pedophiles in the congregations, they could have, in fact, led by example by the way they dealt with it.

    Instead of trying to sweep the problem under the carpet, they should have been upfront about it and mandated to all the congregations that any time there is the accusation of child molestation, it must be reported to the local police, whether or not they live in a State where that is mandatory. For sure the elders could have also contacted the Legal Department as well to keep them informed, but since pedophilia is a crime and not just a 'sin', you would think that they could have connected the dots and see that it was the right thing to do. Not only would it have protected countless children, but it would have perhaps even helped their 'reputation' (as pathetic as it is) when the scandal broke with the Catholic Church's same problem. It could have been said: 'See? Jehovah's Witnesses don't put up with pedophiles! They report them to the police and disfellowship them too!' What a shame that the Society doesn't pursue pedophiles with the same gusto and enthusiasm they do with those who smoke, celebrate Christmas or buy a lottery ticket.

    This is karma coming back to bite them in the ass. After decades of the WTS sneering at the Catholic Church for covering up pedophiles, the WTS, by their own arrogance, has found themselves to be in the same leaky boat. Although at least the Catholic Church publically acknowledged the cover up, apologized to the victims and have made settlements. The WTS has neither acknowledged the cover up, there's been absolutely no apology to the victims (and I wouldn't want to hang from the end of a rope waiting for that) and the monitary settlements were only done in the most secret fashion, complete with gag orders. Truly nauseating behaviour from Christs' supposed brethren and God's "Channel" here on earth.

    Thank you Barbara so much for posting this. Yours and Joe's tireless efforts to help the victims of this henious crime is absolutely priceless.

  • metatron

    The tragedy manifest by blinded Watchtower apologists like Reniaa and others is that they can never admit any serious sin to have been committed by the Organization. If you want proof that Jehovah's Witnesses are a cult, it would be hard to find a better example than their attitude towards child molesters.

    Child Molesters you say? Verily, I say unto thee - these fanatics can't even admit that they are having donation problems much less confess to their disgraceful conduct towards children! Bring up the Bethel layoffs, the magazine cutbacks, the end of food service at the assemblies and more and they cannot be honest that the contributions aren't coming in.

    More than that, these people are so morally handicapped and ethically obtuse that they cannot admit that from a purely Biblical viewpoint, the organization could be being disciplined by Jehovah for its serious sins by losing Divine protection and financial support (no different from ancient Israel).

    If you are a lurker reading this, ask yourself, at what point does the leadership of this religion become beyond repentance? If the Governing Body reacts to lawsuits instead of the pleas of parents to protect their children isn't that the "'repentance' of Cain"?

    And while we're at it, take a good look at their continuing disregard for children and young people. Why are they baptising teenagers and children? Why are they compelling kids into adult responsibilities that they can't handle? If baptising children is wrong, why is baptism of teenagers right?


  • Sola Scriptura
    Sola Scriptura

    To AndersonsInfo:

    Hi Barbara,

    Once again I'm in awe of your Fact Finding Prowess.

    Although I can't find fault in ANY of your facts, I however respectfully disagree with SOME of your conclusions.

    So as not to weigh this thread down, with one large multi-page response of all the conclusions I disagree with, I propose we discuss/debate only a few conclusions at a time.

    After a few back and forth exchanges, let's decide to either "Agree" or "agree to disagree" on each particular conclusion, and move on to the next few ones.

    How does that sound to you?

    (disclaimer to other thread readers: Since I have very limited daily "free time" to spend here. (you know how "busy" we JW's are ) Please don't be offended if I fail to respond individually to you all. I do read ALL comments. Thank you)

    Conclusion #1:
    It's WT leaders, not elders, who are responsible for all the harm. My Geneva, Switz. lecture posted here for new ones & Sola Scriptura to read

    I respectfully disagree with this statement. Here's why:

    I agree WT leaders (including DOs & COs) bare a heavy burden for their initial insensitive attitude to this very important issue. Like Harry Peloyan said above: "change came “after more than 5 years of blood, sweat, and tears,”

    But Elders Gone Wild™, cowardly boy like Elders and negligent Parents bare equal (if not more blame). The only truly innocent ones in all of this are the Children.

    (disclaimer: I'm not saying ALL Parents are negligent... so bare with me)

    Why do I say this?

    I will use a case from your transcript to explain my viewpoint:

    The court records contained a case of a girl in Oregon who was abused from the time she was 5 until she was 14 years old by a JW ministerial servant. She always knew it was wrong and suffered depression and drug problems as she grew older. She complained to her family who spoke to the elders and yet no one reported the man to the police. Because he was not reported to the authorities, this pedophile molested as many as fifty kids in the community including the girl’s brother. The girl ran away from home just so she would be picked up and put in a foster home and then she believed she would be safe from her molester. Otherwise she would have had to endure more times when he would pick her up at her home to take her into the door-to-door ministry, but rather than do that, he molested her. At JW conventions, during noon breaks, he’d come get her, take her to his van and rape her. In foster care this girl told caregivers about the abuse and he was arrested and confessed. Asked by the police why she allowed the abuse, she replied it was because the man was God’s chosen servant!

    This poor girl 1st complained to her Family (A child's 1st line of defense), who in turn complained to the Elders.

    Why the Elders did nothing, I do not know.

    Why didn't at least 1 Elder anonymously report the abuse to Police, regardless of whether its a reporting state or not? Who would know? It's an anonymously phone call.

    Why didn't the Parents go to Police on their own? (Their is NO WT leadership mandate preventing or "discouraging" Parents from going to the Police on their own. If I am wrong please present proof)

    Why did these Parents allow A Grown Man to pick up their teenage daughter at conventions & from their home, alone, to go "in service" on a regular basis?

    Barbara, I assume you were a Good Parent. At the height of your former JW "Indoctrination", would you have followed blindly in the footsteps of these parents.

    Barbara, I believe, by what you have told us, that your husband Joe was a Great Elder. Would he have ignored this child's cry for help just because he could not do anything "officially" to the pedophile in a Congregational setting?

    I don't have the FULL facts of this case, but based purely on the above statement the Parents were either consistently negligent in their care of their daughter or "wildly" naive.

    The WT leadership has hammered into all of it's Elders and Rank & File's heads, that it is not wise for a Man to be alone with a woman he is not married too (adult or young woman... ie 14). Even in congregation sanctioned duties.

    Can you imagine NO ONE gossiping about always seeing these 2 alone. Somebody had to see them alone and wonder in our very JW Judgmental way "That's odd, Brother X is Always hanging around young sister Y. It was cute when she was little but she's a young woman now. That is just not appropriate! I'm calling the Elders about this"

    The Local Elders dropped the ball on this. The Parents totally ignored the ball.

    (disclaimer: I'm commenting only on the Facts available to me at the moment... The Parents could be totally innocent!)

    The only heroes in this case are the foster care caregivers and the Police who arrested the pedophile.

    "Let Caesar deal with the crime. Let Elders deal with the sin"™

    "Let Caesar bag em and tag em."™

    Barbara: Please Tell me how does this one particular case "prove" that all blame (100%) falls on the heads of the WT Leadership? Who most likely was not "fully" aware of the situation until after the arrest was made.

    For your statement above to be completely true, 100% of the blame for the above case should be clearly traced to WT Leadership either through written proof or 1st hand verbal instructions from WT Leadership to these Particular Elders instructing them to IGNORE all that they have "Officially" written on handling Child Abuse cases.

    The way I see it is this: Blame (Apart from the Pedophile) = WT 33%, Elders 33% Parents 33% Child 0%

    Conclusion #2

    Oh, by the way, as our message spreads that the Witness ringing doorbells with Bible in hand could be a convicted pedophile. what do you think will happen to the formerly high growth rate of conversion to this religion? The answer is obvious and it’s already happening!

    I respectfully disagree with this statement. Here's why:

    I don't think people in general are worried about JW pedophiles at their door, exercising their right to "Free Speech". Why?

    (disclaimer: I'm not saying they should go...I'm just explaining why I disagree with your

    99% of house holders ignore the JWs message at their door already, regardless of who's bringing them that message. The Majority of the remaining 1% who might listen and start a home bible study, are usually initially contacted by pioneers who are out more often & who are usually women. (Not that women aren't child molesters, but statistically Men are usually the perpetrators)

    So the 5-10 hours that a convicted pedophile "might" spend Door to Door knocking on empty or unresponsive homes, doesn't constitute a Major Threat that is frightening the masses from opening their doors to us.

    Pedophiles are usually very cunning and discrete. Most of them would avoid going after children in such a brazen open manner as "Door to Door" witnessing.

    However, unregulated "Informal" witnessing by a JW pedophile is actually more of a threat to the public then "Door to Door" witnessing, because the pedophile might strike up a conversation with a single mother in a neutral environment, under the guise of a "spiritual" discussion, and wiggle his way into her & her child's life, via a "Family" Bible study. There's NO policy anyone can write to stop that.

    Often pedophiles "groom" their victims for weeks, sometimes months before they make their 1st move. So a young child taken under the wing by a JW pedophile is a more likely scenario than a JW pedophile grabbing some kid who answers the door when their parents aren't home.

    Conclusion #3

    How would you as a parent like to attend a church and not be informed that a man considered a spiritual brother had served nearly 20 years in prison for child sexual abuse? That his prison records state he is a psychopathic deviant pedophile whose behavior cannot change? This is actually the case in one JW congregation where the pedophile’s past is kept confidential. At one time there were other convicted molesters in this congregation, yet only the elders knew about them. Obviously, these confidentiality policies protect pedophiles, not children.

    You make it seem like other churches are doing something JWs are not. I could be wrong, so please name some Major Christian Religions who as their "Official Policy" announce to their congregation the PAST criminal records of their members?

    We probably wouldn't be having this debate If the WT Leadership, like most other churches, had no "Official" Policy of dealing out punishment for proven Rank & File Child Abusers.

    Conclusion #4

    ...I could no longer in good conscience remain in association with the group whose policies protected pedophiles rather than children.

    You concluded that JWs policies protected pedophiles RATHER than children.

    I respectfully disagree with this statement. Here's why:

    The WT Leadership "Official" policies protects ALL of the following:

    1) Victims of Child Abuse (Green)
    2) The "Rights" of Anyone, accused of something, of which has not
    be proven or substantiated. (ie Innocent until Proven guilty) (Blue)
    3) Repentant former Child Abusers (Although rare, they DO exsist) (Red)

    Here is the proof for my above conclusions:

    August 1 1995 Letter to Elders:
    "Dear Brothers:
    We are pleased to outline below some guidelines that we hope will be helpful to you inprotecting victims of child abuseand in dealing with a brother or sister in the congregation who has been guilty of sexually abusing a child.

    When a member of the congregation is accused of child molestation, the elders should
    contact the Society's Legal Department immediately. Many states make it mandatory that elders report an accusation to the proper authorities but other states do not.
    In those states where such is required, oftentimes the parent, the guardian, or the accused person himself can do the reporting. In this way the confidentiality protected by ecclesiastical privilege is not violated. Still, whether or not the accusation is reported to the authorities, when it is established that a member of the congregation is guilty of child abuse, appropriate steps should be taken in keeping with initial direction from the Society's Legal Department.
    Additionally, steps should be taken to protect the child, or other children, from further
    sexual abuse.
    Obviously, parents would be keenly interested in taking adequate precautions in this regard....

    Loving elders, too, will want to act in a way that demonstrates their protective care, since the word "overseer" carries the thought of one who watches over, a guardian, a shepherd of the flock. Thus, they would want to take steps to protect a child abuse victim
    when a judicial committee determines that the child molester is repentant and will remain a
    member of the Christian congregation.
    The same concern would be shown when a pedophile is disfellowshipped and later cleans up his life and is reinstated.
    It would be appropriate to talk very frankly to a former child abuser, strongly cautioning
    him as to the dangers of hugging or holding children on his lap and that he should never be in the presence of a child without another adult beingpresent.
    This may prevent putting that one in the way of temptation or unfounded accusation. At the same time, it is good to remember that the Bible, at Matthew 12:31 and I Corinthians 6:9-11, shows it is possible for a person to stop his or her wrongful course, repent, and thereafter live in harmony with God's righteous standards. This is true of all wrongdoers even a former child abuser."

    This ONE letter of many, clearly states "Concern" for Child Abuse Victims, at the same time being scripturally balanced with the "Rights" of the accused and "Mercy" for the Repentant sinner.


    Paul said at 1 Corinthians 6:9-11 (The Message):

    "...those who use and abuse each other, use and abuse sex, ...don't qualify as citizens in God's kingdom. A number of you know from experience what I'm talking about, for not so long ago you were on that list. Since then, you've been cleaned up and given a fresh start by Jesus..."

    Pedophiles were common amongst pagan nations of Paul's day. ("the Greeks even had an educational philosophy based on pederasty" )

    From this, I believe we can logically conclude, that Paul included Repentant former Child Abusers in this address.

    Paul, being the detailed oriented person he was, did not say:

    "By the way, all of you former Child Abusers can go home now because you have committed the "Unforgivable Sin" & Jesus' blood can't cleanse you"

    Paul, being the detailed oriented person he was, did not say:

    "By the way, to all you former Child Abusers, Jesus blood only partially cleanses you. From here on out you will be treated as half of a Brother until you receive your crown in heaven. Further more when you go to a new congregation you must become like a Leper and say to the entire congregation before you enter "Unclean! Unclean!""

    Child Abuse is not a NEW problem.

    Jesus blood cleanses ALL you wish to shower with it. Those who continually disrespect this cleansing by repeatedly getting dirty will be ultimately judged by God (Who can read the hearts of Men)

    Hebrews 10:26 (The Message) says:

    "If we give up and turn our backs on all we've learned, all we've been given, all the truth we now know, we repudiate Christ's sacrifice and are left on our own to face the Judgment—and a mighty fierce judgment it will be! If the penalty for breaking the law of Moses is physical death, what do you think will happen if you turn on God's Son, spit on the sacrifice that made you whole, and insult this most gracious Spirit? This is no light matter. God has warned us that he'll hold us to account and make us pay. He was quite explicit: "Vengeance is mine, and I won't overlook a thing" and "God will judge his people." Nobody's getting by with anything, believe me."
    Barbara I await your response to my disagreements to conclusions #1-4
    Sola Scriptura

    'A simple layman armed with Scripture is greater than the mightiest pope without it'

    - Martin Luther

  • Mary

    I'm not Barbara, but here's my thoughts:

    Sola Scripture, pull your thumb out for a moment and consider who is actually responsible for this entire fiasco: The Governing Body members are. Why? Because they are the ones that make the rules plain and simple. You break their pathetic and disgusting rules and you'll pay the price. Every Witness knows that. You know it and I know. Every Witness labours under the dilusion that the WTB&TS is being used by Jehovah God for better or for worse. It makes absolutely no difference if they are covering up crimes like this or not, you're still brainwashed into believing that you have to follow their orders lest Jehovah murder you at Armageddon for disobeying his 'faithful and discreet slave.' This sort of crap is written in their literature so often, that no matter what happens, or how disgusting they are, obeying these goons is the only way to obtain eternal salvation.

    Should the parents of th 14 year old girl gone to the police after they discovered the abuse? Absolutely. Yet we all know exactly what would have happened to them and why they probably didn't. First of all, it would have 'brought shame' on the local congregation as well as the Organization and doesn't the scriptures say that you should "let yourself be wronged" rather than take a brother to court? There would no doubt have been several meetings with the elders lambasting the parents for 'going against what the Governing Body says' and if they weren't disfellowshipped, they may as well have been. They would have been treated like absolute shit from the congregation for daring to take matters into their own hands and would have been viewed as already dead.

    In addition, they would now be under the impression that they've brought reproach upon God's Organization by reporting this crime and now everyone in Satan's world is pointing the finger at them in disgust. Isn't this going to affect the preaching work? Will Jehovah now murder me and my family at Armageddon for doing the right thing and reporting this crime?

    A Witness' life is entirely wrapped up in this religion. So not only would the parents have to deal with the horrific trauma of what happened to their daughter by someone they trusted, they now have to deal with the trauma of being treated like absolute shit by all their family and friends until God strikes them dead "soon". Their lives would never be the same and it's soley because of the Governing Body's warped interpretation of the bible and their insane desire for absolute control over everyone's life.

    So please don't try and downgrade what their responsibilities are in all this. They are truly dispicable men and "their sins have massed clear up to the heavens". If they truly had the childrens' best interests at heart, they would have changed the rules, informed all the elders and/or parents to report all these crimes to the police, without fear of being shunned for doing so.

    You make it seem like other churches are doing something JWs are not. I could be wrong, so please name some Major Christian Religions who as their "Official Policy" announce to their congregation the PAST criminal records of their members

    I find it utterly nauseating that the only time JW apologetics compare the Organization with other religions is when something like this happens. 99% of the time, it's always "we're soooo much better than all these other religions!" until they literally get caught with their pants down. Then it's always "well, we're not the only ones who have this problem---other religions do too!"

    Perhaps, Sola, you could name some major Christian Religions who disfellowship people like Barbara Anderson for exposing crimes that have been able to go on in the religion?

  • Pistoff

    These are the statements that make me realize you are either not an active witness or you are completely delusional.

    Why didn't at least 1 Elder anonymously report the abuse to Police, regardless of whether its a reporting state or not? Who would know? It's an anonymously phone call.

    Why didn't the Parents go to Police on their own? (Their is NO WT leadership mandate preventing or "discouraging" Parents from going to the Police on their own. If I am wrong please present proof)

    Why did these Parents allow A Grown Man to pick up their teenage daughter at conventions & from their home, alone, to go "in service" on a regular basis?

    In all of this, you, Sola, expect responsibility from the parents, elders; where is the acknowledgement that the WT has responsibilty for stifling reporting in any state, reporting or otherwise? The elders are NOT ENCOURAGED TO GO BEYOND WHAT THEY HEAR FROM THE CO; the CO and the WT legal dept has told them how to handle this. It involves calling Legal first; if they are not in a reporting state, they will be told to walk away. If they have changed this idea, they certainly have not announced it so that we ALL could know. Don't expect the rank and file to have access to confidential WT memos; we get them here, but they don't.

    Why would a parent let a daughter or son go with someone? Because they have been conditioned to believe by the elders and the WT that they live in a spiritual paradise; they certainly believe that if the elders knew an abuser lived in their hall, they would tell the congregation. Up until 2002, no one that I knew would have believed that this policy of HIDING the identity of abusers existed. I didn't believe it then until I researched it; I spent 700 to 1000 hrs online and elsewhere researching the topic. I suggest you do the same and stop drinking the Kool Aid.

    Let's see, what would prevent someone from going to the police? The man involved is a brother, they are conditioned to think that they are OK. Again, if not, why would the elders allow him access to the young ones in the hall? YOU have developed the proper amount of skepticism, but how and why? Do you have experience with an abuser?

    "Please Tell me how does this one particular case "prove" that all blame (100%) falls on the heads of the WT Leadership? Who most likely was not "fully" aware of the situation until after the arrest was made."

    You sound like an attorney. No problem. No one said that ONE case shows that the WT is to blame; it is the pattern of their behavior that is discernible from the testimony of those affected by the problem. Barbara Anderson, Bill Bowen and others know from hearing the same element over and over again. The story is similar from the US to the UK to Germany, etc.

    Is there a memo out there that tells the elders to question the reality of the episode? Probably not; after all, when the elders go to EMS they have to WRITE in much information. Why is that? The WT is a printing corporation after all; they could print out everything they want the elders to do overnight!

    The reality is that handwritten information outlining an illegal and unethical policy will have less weight in a court of law; they can state that this was the interpretation of the individual.

    But here is the thing: courts can see through legalistic manuvering, they do it all the time. The WT argued they did not direct the elders; court disagreed and held them liable.

    In my state, the WT stated throught the elders that they do not control the local congregations, do not control the elders, do not supply the elders with deciding principles regarding judicial actions, they do not receive the majority of their money from congregations' preaching activity. They even denied that the plaintiff was not a witness, and had never been baptized. The baptism of course is recorded on the publisher card.

    You can parse words, attack it academically, but the overwhelming evidence points to a coordinated, organization wide policy to discourage the reporting of abuse, and to disfellowship the victim if they talked about who abused them.

    Sola, you said you believe in "progressive congregational policy".

    Please tell me if you think the WT behaved progressively from 1990 to 2002 regarding child sexual abuse; please tell me how you envision pushing forward these progressive policies. What is the model for a progressive policy to move forward in the WT? The WT is a top down structure; for years, they were made aware of disastrous policies regarding child sexual abuse, recorded by Barbara Anderson. What was the response? What did she and Bill Bowen get for their push for change? They were thrown out, and falsely accused. Barbara and Joe are shunned by their son.

    So tell me: you have some great ideas for changing the WT, how will you accomplish them?

  • Pistoff

    Sola said:

    "Let Caesar deal with the crime. Let Elders deal with the sin"™

    Precisely; but WT policy for years is to PROHIBIT the victim from talking if the evidence does not fit their narrow standard.

    You really make me wonder about your sanity, and your ethics.

    Over and over you hear this, but won't believe what victims say. What will it take for you to see that the policy of the WT is to protect their image, not the congregation?

    If you want to talk ONE CASE that shows the WT's policy, review Frederick McLean.

  • Pistoff

    Barbara, I believe, by what you have told us, that your husband Joe was a Great Elder. Would he have ignored this child's cry for help just because he could not do anything "officially" to the pedophile in a Congregational setting?

    Sola, what makes an elder GREAT? Is it following the direction of the FDS/GB, or is it going with his gut when the 2 conflict? What model does the average elder, or the great elder, have for making this difficult choice? When the average elder goes against the "slave" and follows his gut, what happens to him?

    PLEASE answer this question.

  • Pistoff

    We are pleased to outline below some guidelines that we hope will be helpful to you inprotecting victims of child abuseand in dealing with a brother or sister in the congregation who has been guilty of sexually abusing a child.

    When a member of the congregation is accused of child molestation, the elders should
    contact the Society's Legal Department immediately. Many states make it mandatory that elders report an accusation to the proper authorities but other states do not.
    In those states where such is required, oftentimes the parent, the guardian, or the accused person himself can do the reporting. In this way the confidentiality protected by ecclesiastical privilege is not violated. Still, whether or not the accusation is reported to the authorities, when it is established that a member of the congregation is guilty of child abuse, appropriate steps should be taken in keeping with initial direction from the Society's Legal Department.
    Additionally, steps should be taken to protect the child, or other children, from further
    sexual abuse.
    Obviously, parents would be keenly interested in taking adequate precautions in this regard....

    Loving elders, too, will want to act in a way that demonstrates their protective care, since the word "overseer" carries the thought of one who watches over, a guardian, a shepherd of the flock. Thus, they would want to take steps to protect a child abuse victim
    when a judicial committee determines that the child molester is repentant and will remain a
    member of the Christian congregation.
    The same concern would be shown when a pedophile is disfellowshipped and later cleans up his life and is reinstated.
    It would be appropriate to talk very frankly to a former child abuser, strongly cautioning
    him as to the dangers of hugging or holding children on his lap and that he should never be in the presence of a child without another adult beingpresent.
    This may prevent putting that one in the way of temptation or unfounded accusation. At the same time, it is good to remember that the Bible, at Matthew 12:31 and I Corinthians 6:9-11, shows it is possible for a person to stop his or her wrongful course, repent, and thereafter live in harmony with God's righteous standards. This is true of all wrongdoers even a former child abuser."

    LACKING in this entire letter is the statement that child sexual abuse is a crime, and that the elders are NOT QUALIFIED to discern whether or not a crime has been committed. They still think that they can determine if a child has been abused, all based on the 2 witness concept!!! You are proving OUR point about this, not yours!

    They also think in this letter that ecclesiastical privilege applies, due to confidentiality, a concept tossed by the courts when they realize that 3 men decide the matter, and then it is reported to NY; no confidentiality there.

    Also lacking in this letter, and in your view of pedophiles benefiting from Jesus' shed blood, is the well documented reality of the recidivism of sexual abuse of children. The WT wants to think that this can be handled like the petting between lovers, or smoking; that a come to Jesus meeting will change it.

    It won't.

    It doesn't.

    Usually prison does not.

    A meeting with 3 part time counselors with no training in child sexual abuse crimes most certainly will not change it.

  • besty

    Sola thanks for posting that color coded 1995 WTS letter.

    You correctly acknowledge the concept of a repentant child molestor is tenuous at best, and widely held as impossible

    And we all know victims are numerous.

    So, why does the 1995 WTS letter include so much red text? It is visually apparent they give equal credence to the 'repentant' molestor and the victim.

    Of course the repentant molestor is a man - possibly appointed - and the child has clearly been at risk and is vulnerable.

    With the WTS policy you have so kindly illustrated it is clear why the Kingdom Hall has become a pedophile paradise.

  • Pistoff

    So the 5-10 hours that a convicted pedophile "might" spend Door to Door knocking on empty or unresponsive homes, doesn't constitute a Major Threat that is frightening the masses from opening their doors to us.

    Pedophiles are usually very cunning and discrete. Most of them would avoid going after children in such a brazen open manner as "Door to Door" witnessing.

    More proof that you are missing the point; you gainsay the risk to children from a pedophile going to their doors! Did you really just say that it is not a big deal, that there is little risk for a pedophile going door to door because they only go 5 to 10 hours per month?

    (By the way, there is no way 1% of the public starts a bible study; if that were true, the kingdom halls would be overflowing with people).

    I say let's put it to the public: do you approve of pedophiles knocking on your door?

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