Hear It For Yourself

by sammielee24 23 Replies latest jw friends

  • sammielee24


    This is an interactive database of people around the world telling stories about their healthcare. UK, Australia, France, Canada...people in a variety of systems - universal, social and single payer - talk about their experiences using their health care services. People in the United States need to start listening to these stories instead of the media lies and political misrepresentations or ommissions of facts that only serve their needs...stop being afraid and start educating yourself for yourself. The global online advocacy group set up this site so that people could share their stories in a way to have a voice against the US slander of their systems. Read what honest people living in other countries have to say before you keep slamming them - the site had 5,000 hits in a 24 hour period and is carried in a number of languages - stories may be good or bad but at least they are real. sammieswife.

  • purplesofa
  • purplesofa

    one of the comments

    My mother needed 2 heart surgeries that would have bankrupted an American family. My father required radiation for prostate cancer. All was covered under our amazing healthcare system. We pay a small amount in premiums for security for our families that Americans should also enjoy! Particularly as you are a leader in developed countries & one of the richest countries in the world! Perhaps the 1% of the very rich could begin returning some of what the working poor & middle class in your country have provided your corporations for generations, by providing healthcare for all of your citizens. It is a disgrace to attempt to smear our healthcare system & your wonderful new President in order to continue to deny your own people the peace of mind that universal healthcare provides. Neanderthal, unevolved tactics are revealing the ugly & self-serving true colours of the detractors of this progressive & humane attempt to bring the U.S. into compassionate alignment with other enlightened countries in the 21st century. by kate, Manitoba, Canada

  • ssn587

    Why is it when we don't want nationalized health care we are afraid on we are listening to lies. That is pure BS, my sister and bro both are nurses and they agree whole heartedly with not wanting nationalized health care. We don't want the effing govt running our health care. I don't want dirtball illegals getting any free health care either. Anyone showing up at an emergency room gets taken care of. If you want it, then by all means move to canada, europe etal and have at it. For me and mine no thanks.

  • Deputy Dog
    Deputy Dog

    From: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/AVAAZ.org

    Avaaz means "noise" or "voice" in Urdu, Hindi, Dari, Persian, and other languages. Avaaz.org was co-founded by Res Publica , a global civic advocacy group and non-profit organization, and MoveOn , an online community that has pioneered internet advocacy in the United States. The organization is also supported by Service Employees International Union , a founding partner, and GetUp.org.au. Avaaz's individual co-founders include Executive Director Ricken Patel, Virginia congressman Tom Perriello, Australian progressive entrepreneur David Madden, Jeremy Heimans, Andrea Woodhouse, Tom Pravda, and MoveOn Executive Director Eli Pariser. [3]

  • Amazing


    Thanks for the following quote ... but there are false, loaded language and very unreasonable arguments made in it. I have yellow highlighted the problems:

    My mother needed 2 heart surgeries that would have bankrupted an American family. My father required radiation for prostate cancer. All was covered under our amazing healthcare system. We pay a small amount in premiums for security for our families that Americans should also enjoy! Particularly as you are a leader in developed countries & one of the richest countries in the world! Perhaps the 1% of the very rich could begin returning some of what the working poor & middle class in your country have provided your corporations for generations, by providing healthcare for all of your citizens. It is a disgrace to attempt to smear our healthcare system & your wonderful new President in order to continue to deny your own people the peace of mind that universal healthcare provides. Neanderthal, unevolved tactics are revealing the ugly & self-serving true colours of the detractors of this progressive & humane attempt to bring the U.S. into compassionate alignment with other enlightened countries in the 21st century. by kate, Manitoba, Canada

    Response to the Canadian woman: The wealthy in the nation, that is those that make $250,000 per year or more pay about 90% of all the taxes anyway. We are not smearing Canada The or our new President, we simply disagree with him. It is Canadians who come to America for treatment who tell a different story of the Canadian system. I frankly do not care what Canada does, as I like the German model better anyway, as it is done through private enterprise. To call those who disagree with the proposals and who wish to debate the issues and who want to look at another way as "Neanderthal and unevolved" is little more than emotional blackmail, as you have no real substantive arguments, so you resort to name calling of anyone who dare to disagree with you. Your arguments fail to be appealing or logical.

  • SixofNine

    Items in blue indicate people or organization whose toilets Deputy Dog is not fit to lick.

  • sammielee24

    People around the world are questioning the intelligence of the American people and some have asked about the educational levels. Not me - however, given the usual responses from some here, to a simple suggestion to link up and read stories from real people trying to help open your eyes about care in other countries, they surely have a right to question.

    I said it was an advocacy group and who cares if a union supports it? You do understand that a lot of people use these sort of forums to have their voice heard without having any affiliation to any specific cause don't you? Rather than keep up a non argument with hate - why not give everyone a break and read a bit. It might help ...sammieswife.

  • purplesofa

    I am amazed at the attention we are getting from other countries on this issue.

    It's interesting to read what others think about how we are handling it.


  • sammielee24

    I think purps that it is because other countries are tired of the lies that Americans are believing....some of those I read daily on this board and hear on all the talk radio (right wing) shows. For people like Amazing who say that Americans aren't disrespecting other countries like Canada, they are wrong. I've sat and listened to Americans call people in other countries liars for telling about their own personal, good experiences because they can't fathom anyone having a good healthcare experience because the way it is applied, doesn't fit their idealogy. I've had good care here in the USA but as I've said over and over again, I've had care as good as and better in Canada. That is not disrespecting the American healthcare, it is a point of view having had experience with both. The entirety of care is that of whole care and not based on just one aspect of it, financial, physical, emotional - and in my view all those considered, Canada comes out on top.

    We are also tired of ommissions. All those Canadian people running screaming for care in the USA are a figment of context. Snowbirds, 1.5 million of them bring tourist dollars to the USA and buy health insurance for the months they are here. The people using that insurance in the USA while they are in the USA are in the yearly figures that the right wing media keep spouting...that is not people running over the border...it's people who have vacation homes here and who use the medical services they need while they are here with the insurance they bought. As for cross border - those surgeries are in fact far less than 1% of all care in Canada and those surgeries fall into two categories a) the wealthy who want to buy their way through the system because they don't want to wait and b)those paid for by Canada in agreements with USA hospitals who benefit from the payment just as the patient benefits from the care. The very fact that Canada will pay for that care, is an indicator of the attitude of the government of the country...a far cry from the elderly being criminals because they try to import drugs from Canada and the government here won't let them.

    Everyone everywhere is just getting tired of the lies and they just want it to stop and for American to deal with these dirty problems without constantly degrading the systems that work in their countries. They just want people to know there is another way to do business.....sammieswife.

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