With all the advances in science, maybe they should come up with something
that causes similar effects but doesn't impair your ability to drive, etc. No
money for organized crime, no health impairments, no extra car wrecks, etc.
What's the difference between a drunk and a stoner?
by bluecanary 14 Replies latest social humour
Son of Man
I have knowledgeof both and I feel it depends on the person. Some might grow a tolerance for either or and it does not affect those that take occasionally. In my lifetime I have drank and used drugs on various occasions but never out of addiction. Both are very harmful when driving and should not be taken when you plan to drive. An autmobile kills and maims and has always been my worse fear having children and of course loved one. You can lose your loved ones instantly and I have seen it happen more than once. My former wife lost her brother instantly in an automobile accident and I was with her when she got the news. Her body immediately crumbled and she bent down and wept bitterly. Her body felt as if was going through convulsions as she felt the pain from her loss. It tears people to pieces when a loved one is hurt and even dies.
If you choose to take anything that causes you to lose your mental faculties never put another person in danger. This is why GOD taught us not to partake in drunkeness or anything in similarity. It causes people to act foolish and abnormal.......
the slave
This is why GOD taught us not to partake in drunkeness or anything in similarity. It causes people to act foolish and abnormal.......
But then again... so does belief in god.
- Lime
"This is why GOD taught us not to partake in drunkeness or anything in similarity. It causes people to act foolish and abnormal......."
Yeah look what happened to Lot and Noah
As a cop, I never had to fight with a stoner!