Shunning (as in disfellowshipping, the flip-side of disassociation) is completely scriptural and neutral and is an act of loyalty to Jehovah's arrangement and is done out of the highest form of love, that mentioned in 1 Corinthians 13: that of principled love.
Is Shunning an Act of Revenge?
by cameo-d 60 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
not when read and understood it isn't spike.
COmpare with 2 Thess 3;14 and you will see we are to conituue to love and admonish as a borther such a person, not considering them an enemy.
Spike Tassel
the love and admonishing continues from the platform, and by appointed elders at the proper times.
Spike Tassel
the love and admonishing continues in the WT publications the reproved one cares to read, also.
except that isn't love, but it is to thecaptive mind that is told by the source that it is love.
Having read these "publications" and listen to that given "from the platform", I can say with %100 absolute certainty that there is ABSOULTELY ZERO love, agape or otherwise given on this matter. Any pretending or presupposition for it to be so is a clear indication of a misunderstanding of love in any form; agape or otherwise. Even "disciplinary love" is not covered/described by the actions and teachings of the WTBTS on this matter.
Spike Tassel
I respectfully must disagree, even though I am treated as though I were disfellowshipped.
read good books
My dad died after not speaking with me for almost thirty years ditto for my brother and his family thankyou Watchtower Bible and Tract society for wrecking my family based on false interpretaion of scriptures.
Speaking of not looking at old publications when I was at Bethel some fellow bethelites accused me of being apostate when they spotted me in the library reading near a section of the old publications, they thought I was reading them, I was just preparing a talk but that's the kind of paranoia they had about looking back at their past teachings.
Thanks Mary for that excellent post.
Iown Mylife
I looked up the word Revenge and found this thread. So I didn't start a new one.
Last night I had a strong thought about shunning being a perfect way for the WT to wreak revenge on people who leave the cultish government system they have established.
I think they use it for revenge a LOT. Not punishment or discipline, but to inflict pain deliberately.
Words are power. To me, the word Revenge describes the reason for shunning.
And for all we know, they can take revenge in other ways as well. They have the power, money, and personnel working for them in places no one would suspect.
You are probably right. In Witnesses' eyes shunning is about a desire to inflict punishment or hurt and therefore more about revenge than anything else. It is done after the fact.
The Witness religion is a very vindictive mindset, and it fits right in.
I can imagine, though, that it must be a source of frustration to some over-righteous JW if their shunning gets no reaction from the person being shunned! Yeah, that must frustrate them to no end!😄