I think Gods talking to me..at last.

by refiners fire 25 Replies latest jw friends

  • refiners fire
    refiners fire

    Ive been experiencing some pretty weird phenomena recently.
    It started about two months ago.
    What happens is, I get dreams. They are BAD.So bad they wake me up.This is always like, 3am, 4am,then I get up. After a while I start getting sensations with my hair standing on end and electric impulses running up and down my back, like mild electric shocks.
    Then the messages come. I get visions in my head and a voice talks to me.I can not remember everything the voice says. only some of it.
    These incidents are increasing in frequency, 3 times this week.
    The voice is full of love and I am in ecstacy while with the voice.
    When "rational" again I feel apprehensive, worry that Im going insane.

    Things the voice has told me:

    There are many roads back to God. Jesus Christ is one of them.

    Everything, even physical reality, is part of God,we as individuals are fragments of God consciousness.Universal mind is experiencing
    physical existance thru each of us.God is LEARNING.Thru us.

    God is more loving, more understanding, than any one can concieve.He is not an angry, judgemental God.

    Something REAL bad is going to happen.Soon.I dont know when,but I keep getting impulses giving me a time frame.

    I absolutely KNOW you are going to SLAM me for writing this.
    But this is what Im experiencing.
    sorry about the re editing.dont wanna say anything innacurate.

  • Naeblis

    Ask him where I left my wallet.

  • ISP

    Hey Refiner, is there any particular reason why you think God is talking to you? He is silent to all others including some in the most heart rending circumstances.


  • refiners fire
    refiners fire

    ISP. Im fully aware of what you are saying.
    Im fully aware that I might simply be turning Schizophrenic.
    Actually, Im part of a group of ex Dubs down here in Melbourne, we have been working with meditation ,hypnosis and prayer.
    We are all getting messages like crazy, and its escalating.

  • Skeptic

    Seriously, it sounds like a sleep state problem. Do you sleep on your back? If you do, sleep on your side and see if it goes away.

    I strongly advise you not to mess around with hypnosis. It can do weird things to your mind, and in extreme circumstances can screw up the rest of your life. Even trained professionals have to be very careful with it.

    The following is the original reply I wrote:

    No, I am not going to rail on you. And I don't think your nuts. And I know God is not talking to you. As you probably know,I am a atheist.

    You may want to see a doctor and be checked out. Epilepsy [sic] can give a person very real religious experiences.

    Are you under a lot of stress? You may be experiencing a form of disassociation.

    Some medications can cause your experiences.

    There are a host of other medical problems that can cause what you are describing.

    Does this happen when you are going to sleep or waking up? Then it could be sleep state related. It will seem completely real to you.

    Hell, the seismic activity in the earth or solar flares can cause what is happening to you. Seismic activity unfelt by you, or solar flares upset the earth's magnetic field which messes around with the brain's temporal lopes. This can "cause" a person to see God, Jesus, aliens, demons, etc.

    If there is nothing medically wrong, I have some questions:

    When you think about things, do you hear your thoughts in your head, or see your thoughts.

    For example, I hear my thoughts as if someone where speaking. I also see my thoughts, as if viewing them.

    Not everyone gets both; most people only hear their thoughts, or see their thoughts. I can't remember is some people get neither.

    People who hear their thoughts can "hear" God talking to them. People who see their thoughts can see demons, God, Jesus, etc. Since I can both hear and see my thoughts...well, let's just say that I know these experiences can happen without a person being nuts.

    Hope this helps,


  • Frenchy

    I am in no way making light of what you are saying but I strongly recommend that you see a psychiatrist (not a counselor) and tell him what you are experiencing. Please be assured that I'm not making fun of you nor is this some sort of sarcastic remark about your visions and the voices you hear. There may be an organic reason for what you are experiencing. What would it hurt just to make sure?

  • refiners fire
    refiners fire

    many thanks.
    I have a history of psychiatric visits and am categorized as bi polar disorder.
    Im on medication already.

    With regard to hearing/seeing my thoughts, I hear them.
    What happens is I have numerous compartments in my thought process, different parts of mind that speak within me.
    Recently one particular compartment has become very prominent, it not only speaks now, but gives visuals as well.The feelings associated with this are ecstatic.I am feeling that God has been a segment of my mind all along, one of the compartments,He is simply revealing Himself as who he is.
    Comments please.
    I need them.

  • ashitaka

    Please spare us. Sounds scary to me. Try divination, might work.


  • ashitaka

    I won't be an asshole this time, but my friend has had this happen to him before. I believe him so I want to believe you.


  • refiners fire
    refiners fire

    that should read, "please spare you".
    If you dont want to read it..dont.
    Im lookin for advice here.

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