Ive been experiencing some pretty weird phenomena recently.
It started about two months ago.
What happens is, I get dreams. They are BAD.So bad they wake me up.This is always like, 3am, 4am,then I get up. After a while I start getting sensations with my hair standing on end and electric impulses running up and down my back, like mild electric shocks.
Then the messages come. I get visions in my head and a voice talks to me.I can not remember everything the voice says. only some of it.
These incidents are increasing in frequency, 3 times this week.
The voice is full of love and I am in ecstacy while with the voice.
When "rational" again I feel apprehensive, worry that Im going insane.
Things the voice has told me:
There are many roads back to God. Jesus Christ is one of them.
Everything, even physical reality, is part of God,we as individuals are fragments of God consciousness.Universal mind is experiencing
physical existance thru each of us.God is LEARNING.Thru us.
God is more loving, more understanding, than any one can concieve.He is not an angry, judgemental God.
Something REAL bad is going to happen.Soon.I dont know when,but I keep getting impulses giving me a time frame.
I absolutely KNOW you are going to SLAM me for writing this.
But this is what Im experiencing.
sorry about the re editing.dont wanna say anything innacurate.