Ashitika. I will certainly e mail you an you can tell me what you will about your friend.I will be interested in the extreme.
Itll have to wait a day or so though, I have to cook the traditional ozzie Boxing day BBQ soon.The guests are already gathering, reading my posts...
Thanks frenchy too..
I think Gods talking to last.
by refiners fire 25 Replies latest jw friends
refiners fire
Hi RF, I am an XJW so I have a great deal in common, I guess. I think it is fair to say in my route out of the borg...I have never had treatment i.e.hypnosis etc. I think the visions etc. are a product of your treatment or desire. Just my view. I would love God to speak! I wouldn't like you to believe in something that may create further disappointment after leaving the WTS.
It could be caused by a combination of the medication and results from your spiritualist group experiments. Something i find more interesting though, is that, except for the message about something bad happening, the earlier part is exactly how i see things now.
Don't take me as trying to be authoritative, but i would like to make one abservation, based on my own experiences and books read. None of the posters so far has looked at the possibilty that the communications could be real, considering of course the possibility that there exists a higher dimension. Based on that, it could be that your meds and group experiments have together, opened a channel in your mind to another dimension. One entity from there has chosen to speak to you. Maybe it has a fondness for you. It is very unlikely to be god. You might be able to get answers to questions if you focus on one question during the day and just before retiring.
All that being said, doesn't mean there aren't dangers for you. You could stop the meditation/hypnotism for a while, if you wanted to slow this down. If you get a psychiatrist, find out his/her religious beliefs first. Agnostic might be the best. You shouldn't be told it's demons, cuz it's not.
BTW, which medication are you on?
Best wishes SS
my friend saw a light, and had an experience unassociated with a religion. He can't explain it, and to this day, attributes it to God. I cannot explain it myself, but I BELIEVE him. I don't know why.
His mother saw his face afterwards, and she said it was like seeing Moses coming down from the mount after receiving the commandments. She is a devout JW, which makes it even stranger.
Personally, since this happened to him, I do believe in the spiritual side of things, although I do disbelieve in a spiritual God. Something remarkable happened to my friend that day, and I don't know what it was. I hope it was God setting him free.
I didn't mean any offense when I mentioned that there is a possibility that your post might have been from someone who was trolling, because I honestly didn't know. I said that because in the past there have been people who have done that on this board. Having read the response of others to you I have a better idea of what's going on, now. I apologize if my message have upset you in some way.
Now, as far as the difference between meditation and hypnosis, I know some are under the impression that both are a function of an altered state of mind, or I should say brain. Although that is involved, I think just looking at it as that misses the point. It may seem like a small difference but it is a very significant one. The thing is while I believe hypnosis COULD be useful, it is a matter of getting the mind into a state where it is responsive to suggestions. Meditation, on the other hand, does not involve such suggestions - in fact the goal of meditation would be to see through those suggestions, to see that's all they are. This is why I consider the two opposite of each other. At the very least, you can see that it works on two different levels.
Let me say, too, that it isn't important to identify your experience in terms of what the source is and so on. Having been a witness, you no doubt know where the bible says "do you believe because you have seen me? Happy are those that have not seen and yet believe." I don't think the point of the scripture is about Jesus' resurrection. For the purpose of what we're talking about here, it's clear that seeing things or hearing voices isn't what being spiritual is about. A certain Thai monk who's regarded as a meditation master once told a student who is now a popular teacher here in the states: "It's just something else to let go of isn't it?" I'm sure he's not the first or the last to say this. In some spiritual traditions they are taught to let such peak experiences go, and one good reason is that our minds tends to interpret things and put our own little spin on it, modern psychology agrees with this as well. It isn't always necessary to go deeper. Frankly if you're dwelling on some experience in the past, you're not paying attention to what's going on right now. Three people might be sitting around, and two engaged in a conversation about this kind of experience may think the third person has not had such experiences or have an interest, but another possibility and the only thing you can say for sure is that person isn't interested in talking about it, the silence doesn't necessarily mean any of the rest is missing. (although it would be in that moment, where there is talk but not the experience itself) You're probably familiar with that concept, but it seems to be something we forget. (probably because we tend to go to some other time or place in our mind) The fact is, if your full attention isn't on what you're doing right now, you're not going to do very well or atleast not as well as you can be doing. See, if you can do that, be aware of yourself fully for just a moment, then that opens the way to being free from the witness past and anything else you might be suffering from as a result of your past history, because those things are not happening in the present. It makes more sense to get there, THEN worry about expanding your awareness to other things.
bitter mango
OOoo i'm glad the voices i hear tell me to be bad and do EVIL things!