Upcoming Study with a Bethel Brother

by PSacramento 42 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • PSacramento

    So, after a lengthy discussion with my Mom on Friday, she asked me ( again) to have a study with a bethel brother because the question I ask are too "above" her knowledge and she feels that only a well trained bethel brother can show me the "truth".

    I voiced to her my issue:

    I love my Mother, Father and Sister that are JW's and the last thing I want is to lose them, we had already drifted apart because of their new found faith ( My Mom was first, about 8 years ago, then my older sister and just recently, last july 4th, my Dad), I told her that IF I have these study with a Bethel Brother I will, most likely, sya thing and state sources that may get me brnaded as an "apostate", I asked her, to be honest and truthful with me and to tell me that, IF I get branded that and they are told, suggest to them, to stop dealing with me, would they?

    She said that NO organization tells her who to deal with, even more so in regards to family.

    I was not convinced, nevertheless I agreed and this wednesday will have my first study with him, first topic the MWT, my issue with certain translations ( such as Romans 10:13, Colossians and so forth) and the name "Jehovha".

  • PSacramento

    A will be voicing my concern about the "validity" of the name Jehovah, considering itis not the correct name, I will also voice my concern about the over use of the name in the NT.

    In regards to the NWT I will voice my concern about the translations that tend to alter the original meaning of the verses, I will also ask why the change, and inconsistent one at that, of the menaing of "proskeno" (SP?) from worship when it applies to Jesus.

    Any other suggestions?

  • Mary

    I'd forget about the validity of the name "Jehovah" for now. With all the crap the Society is guilty of, like false dates, the ban on blood and their protection of pedophiles, why would you zero in on such a mundane topic as the name "Jehovah"?

    I would seriously consider discussing meatier topics with these guys.

  • BluesBrother

    The way that your post reads, it is the rest of your family that are Witnesses and you have never been one. If that is true then you cannot be called apostate . That is reserved for baptized ones who learn the truth about "The Truth". They cannot tell your parents to shun you.

    The most would be advice not to debate any more if they think you are a lost cause

    PS I agree with Mary

  • PSacramento

    Mary and BB,

    I contemplated starting with the "meatier" subjects such as the 1914 and the 1919, for example, but I realized that so much of it is tied up in THIER interpretation of the bible ie: the NWT, that everything would get back to it.

    The view so many things as base don their "correct" interpretation that I feel I have to question the interpretation first.

    I don't wanna go into the pedophile case and such, no religion is without those issues so I don't feel that, at this time, its the way to go.

    I wanted to start off with Jehovah because the WT admits they use it just because it is more familar than Yahweh, even though they still say it is the true/real name of God, if we can't reach a "common ground" on something like that, I don't think I will bother with any further meetings.

  • dudeson

    Ask about 2 John 11-13 with regards to "greetings". This is the scripture the WT uses to justify never even saying "hello" to a DF'd person. The NWT renders 2 different greek words, with different meanings, as the same word in English.

    The Watchtower 1988 May 15 p.27 says: "John here used khai´ro, which was a greeting like "good day" or "hello." (Acts 15:23; Matthew 28:9) He did not use aAspa´zoAmai (as in verse 13), which means "to enfold in the arms, thus to greet, to welcome" and may have implied a very warm greeting, even with an embrace. (Luke 10:4; 11:43; Acts 20:1, 37; 1 Thessalonians 5:26) So the direction at 2 John 11 could well mean not to say even "hello" to such ones."

    This WT has it backwards. Khai'ro actually means "to enfold in the arms, thus to greet...".

  • insearchoftruth


    I agree with Mary (which is pretty much always) and BB....I would start with meatier topics.....blood to me is a slam dunk, in light of the allowance of fractions...I asked the gentleman to show me where fractions are allowed in the bible, put him on his heels pretty fast....then asked a few questions about changing doctrine, generation definition is a good one because it is now back at a 1927 definition.

    I have not mentioned pedophiles, stayed away from things like the cross, quickly steered away from Trinity (asked for the list of references from the Trinity book).

  • yknot

    Why the issue with "Jehovah" versus Yahweh?

    The discussion just leads to a historical discussion that pre-dates the JW organization. Jehovah is/was accepted by other denominations in Christendom.

    Why not discuss 1917's 1st edition of "The Finished Mystery" and what exactly within it's contents made it so special as compared to all of Christendom.

    The man probably won't know what to say..... so then you can suggest a joint study of the publication. Remind him that unlike other 'old light' the FM is still touted by the WTS as being uber important and cite recent WTs.

  • PSacramento

    I have had the blood discussion before, the "light gets brighter" crap was used more often than I care to mention...

    I will bring it up though, that's for sure.

  • Farkel


    :to have a study with a bethel brother because the question I ask are too "above" her knowledge and she feels that only a well trained bethel brother can show me the "truth".

    Just remember this: just because the guy is from Bethel, it doesn't mean squat about how knowledgeable he is concerning the Bible or even actual Watchtower doctrine. He could be a floor-sweeper, or a grease monkey on a printing press. Bethel is not concerned with how much Bible knowledge is gained there, but with how LOYAL the workers are and how much WORK they perform with absolute LOYALTY. The Bible is only a prop in the game of their religious masters.

    That being said, you probably already know more about what you want to discuss than your "teacher." If he is like most dubs, when he is cornered with questions and contradictions he cannot answer, he will go after you with personal attacks and change the subject by questioning your motives for your questions.

    Just think about what a cornered animal does when there is no retreat. He starting BITING, that's what.


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