Anyone have any good ideas on how to keep Dubs from constantly returning?? THey don't seem to leave the area alone with just requests and they are preying on those who live in a development that do not have the money to file a lawsuit. Help!!
ANy ideas on ridding of dubs?
by lydia 14 Replies latest jw friends
Tell them you're an apostate. They'll shun you like the plague.
Become a 'do-not-call'. You are not likely get a visit, after! Frenchy's idea is a good one. If you ask them questions on subjects from 'the net.' they are likely to not come near!
Easy!!!! You employ myself and UncleBruce to look after your neighbourhood and be as it were your official 'pest control officers'.
We watch Home Alone and then between us rig up the entire neighbourhood with childish pranks for the witnesses calling around to fall into. The trip wire with the bucket of cat pee always works a treat!! Oh how I could put my mind to good use to help out your poor community there. Perhaps I could apply for funding? £250 p/week, what a bargain!! Tell you what, UncleBruce and myself could set this up as a worldwide franchise business? Training happily given, no qualifications required.
Does that answer your question?
Balmpot Celtic
Hey, I've been in my new bungalow for six months now and "waiting"! Loaded for bear but no dubbies come a calling! Guess I gotta move into an apartment complex and look real poooor. ... Ah heck, it's not worth it. Gonna stay right here in the mansion and feel neglected that the rotweilers at the gate are too effective...
carmel still on a montain side
See .
Here is a sample Notice Letter which can be used:
.........................................October 1, 2001
__City__, __State__ Congregation of Jehovah's Witnesses
648 Hadesbound Avenue
City, State 09999Dear Sirs:
Please notify all members of your organization that they are NOT PERMITTED ENTRY onto our private residential property for any purpose relating to the Jehovah's Witnesses religion.
Our private residence is located at:
Hereafter, if any member of your organization "trespasses" on our property in violation of this Notice, they may be criminally and civilly prosecuted.
Mr. John Christian______________________________
Mrs. Jolene Christiancc: Watchtower Bible and Tract Society
25 Columbia Heights
Brooklyn, NY 11201-2483..................................................................................
Tatoo your forehead with 666. That's sure to sure what ills you.
Being put on the do-not-call list works the best. You have to contact the local kingdom hall to do this. Also the vast majority of witnesses will not knock on a door with a "No Jehovah Witnesses" sign on it.
Never Squat With Yer Spurs On -
Try the following:
"Wicked men obey from fear; good men, from love".... Aristotle. You can love and obey Christ without intervention from an organization.
I once made a very large sign for my door that was similar to the No Smoking symbol (Red Circle with diagonal line across) with the WT Tower symbol in the middle instead of a cigarette. Underneath, were the words "Police Will Be Notified". I had it laminated and it looked very professional.
JWs know EXACTLY what it means. They really don't want that kind of hassle.
Neighbours asked me where they could get one!
Love, Scully
It is not persecution for an informed person to expose a certain religion as being false. - WT 11/15/63