All of the above are good suggestions. I have no new ones to add, but wanted to relate a thought that I have often had while going door-to-door and at times seeing signs on doors or property that would prohibit a JW visit: 'If more and more people would post such signs, what would we do then?'. In other words, neighbors could collaborate and effectively end the preaching work in their area. Sometimes I wonder why more people don't do so.
ANy ideas on ridding of dubs?
by lydia 14 Replies latest jw friends
DB,..I know what you mean! There were swathes of territory that had those stickers! It was so bad the CO was thinking of writing to the Branch about it!
Lady Lee
drat and I have been wondering how to get them to come to my door - wrong thread I guess - I have been here for 2 1/2 years and still no sign of them - and the hall is around the corner!!!
You might try a physical barrier; a theo-dam, as it were, a prophetic prophylactic. Or maybe even just sprinkle salt across the walkway.
Easy- Take out a Bible-- it's like garlic to vampires :)
They can dish out their speaches but can't take a thinking answer- in my experience they are running before you can find the verse you are looking for :) They don't come to my house anymore :)