this week's "Bible Study"

by stillin 21 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Chalam

    Nice post Mad Dawg :)

    I used pretty much the same approach in finding a wife as I do buying a car

    Too many men love their car more than their spouse :(

    Mind you, some women have their "cars" too.

    All the best,



    Sex Sex Sex..

    Thats all thats on the minds of the people that write WBT$ ..Literature!!

    Kids are in the audience.. Too Bad!!.......Sex sex sex!!! The WBT$ is run by perverts......WBT$ literature is written by perverts.. ....................OUTLAW

  • oompa

    not going to say which of her post/posts i am referring to............but i am pretty sure i am now in love with nathmedeah!!...............oompa

  • hamsterbait

    The IDIOTS at Beth-Hell have not learned the lessons of their own litterature:

    Years ago they said that "Sex Education in Schools - Good or Bad?" led to more teenage pregnancies ( presumably because it put ideas into young heads)

    Nowadays witless youths are told they will be subject to DF for everything, from self abuse to reading boobie mags or watching mucky movies on the internet.

    So you might as well go out and do the actual dirty deed. Added to this the study this week put movies in our minds that were not there before Group sex, bestiality, you name it.

    The study put ideas into little heads and they will say "I might as well go for it..." 1914 was 100 years ago and our grandparents are still sitting in the Kingdumb Hell waiting in misery.

    Keep it up Witchtower!!!!


  • hamsterbait

    Older couples learned to just bite their tongue and go mow the lawn.

    In the modern touchie feelie times, everything from the petty to important becomes an issue to be discussed and generate friction. So a quarrel can arise over what is for dinner, Shoes, Handbags, Golf.

    Most marriages are full of irritation and rancour. It's how you deal with it, and if you ever REALLY loved each other.

    Nowadays too many young witlesses are marrying too young for the wrong reasons. ( a wife is scriptural -an affair with your knuckles is a DF offence) Is it any wonder they are divorcing like never before??


  • Billy the Ex-Bethelite
    Billy the Ex-Bethelite

    Full house at the local KH. Granny all the way down to the li'l kids were all there to hear about oral and anal sex. Granted, it was rather quickly covered... but enough to "arouse" curiousity.

  • hamsterbait

    NATH -

    I dont know if you belive in evolution or not, but it is obvious to me that romantic love is a means of ensuring you are tricked into mating and breeding.

    Bear in mind that males are at their sexual peak at 15, girls can conceive in their early teens, and that most humans were DEAD by 25 in prehistoric times, there would have been littletime for romance to wear off, especially with perrennial childbirth, high infant mortality and the pressure to continue the tribal line.

    Maybe the Muslims have the right idea: Buy your wife, dont marry for love, but ensure an heir to keep the name going.


  • Mary

    Those that survived 30, 40, 50 years together somehow finally figured something out.

    Possibly. But I know plenty of couples who have been married for 30, 40, or 50+ years and they're not really happy----they're simply resigned. It's kinda like someone who invests 40+ years in the religion. They've invested so much that they figure they're better off staying than leaving.

  • hamsterbait

    Nath -

    I think the ultimate sadness is how few of our true soulmates become friends.

    Your spouse could be one, but social pressures nowadays can prevent it.

    I think our programming is still pre-historic, and has not caught up with modern developments.

    In ancient times, most husbands would be dead - on the hunt, in a raid from another tribe, an insatiable baby maker - before the romance had a chance to die. Nowadays we have romantic euthanasia.

    But lifelong love is still a lovely dream...


  • lilyflor


    did you take that photo? i drive by there almost every day! but never saw something as funny as that quote. lol

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