this week's "Bible Study"

by stillin 21 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • WTWizard

    This article is an attempt to control one's life to the T. Everything you do is what the Filthful and Disgraceful Slavebugger tells you to. And they have it all wrong--true moral cleanness does not include sexual "chastity". A discussion of true moral cleanness would have been appropriate for children of all ages--especially since most small children are already morally clean. Simply put, any volitional act that is good for oneself and/or society is moral, and any volitional act that is bad for self and/or society is immoral. Moral filth is corruption of this basic principle--when one volitionally does what is bad for self and/or society, and/or abstains from doing what is good for self and/or society, and then attaches any virtue to doing this, we have true moral uncleanness--perfectly suitable for children of all ages.

    What I got out of this boasting session, even though I was not there physically (thus busting the myth that being at the Kingdumb Hell is of any value), is that (1) I have no business with the opposite sex at all, (2) there are scriptures put in the Unholy Bible solely so God can get out of providing for my needs today (even if they are embellished or outright lies), and (3) my purpose in life is solely to bring men (and just men, no women) into the organization leading to the Value Destroyer Training School and the Second Dark Ages a few years into it. I suppose that, were I there, I could have benefited by having the hounders dragging me out in field circus for my first course of men, and enforced a strict quarantine on me from the opposite sex.

    As was, I have marked this as an extremely high risk of being physically recaptured and dragged to the Kingdumb Hell or their places, so I can have this message enforced anyways.

  • mrsjones5

    I wonder what Spike thinks about this article.

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