Every morning I read the bible.
Yypically I read everyday, in order, the NT, when I finish I start again and everytime I read it I find something the hits me, in a good way LOL !
Today I read 1John and decided to post about it :)
John is probably my favorite writer of the NT, his writing is beautiful and eloquent and truly express the most important teachings of Jesus (in my very humble view), that of Love.
And nowhere is that more evident than in the frst letter of John.
John makes it clear from the very beginning that God is light and light is love and to walk with God is to walk with love and no love means no god.
John syas the man that does the will of God lives forever and that the will is Love.
John speaks of those that deny that Jesus is the Christ,that he was made flesh, that there are the antichrists ( plural not single).
We are all children of God for God dwells in us IF love dwells in us, love not only of words but of actions.
John reiterates Jesus last comandment that we love one another as he loves us, to give up our lives for one another just as jesus did for us.
Note: The loving part goes back to Matthew too where Jesus says to love those that don't love Us, for if we love only those that loves us, what's the big freaking deal? ( I am paraphrasing obviously ).
John also reminds us to TEST the spirits ( and the spirit in which things are said obviously) and to not take anything for granted.
He also presents a base to go from, that every spirit must acknowledge that Jesus came in the flesh and came from God.
He reminds us to have Faith in the Son of God, that Jesus was born of God and all that loves God loves the son as well.
He reminds us that if we say we Love God and hate our brother (another) we are liars, for if we can't love our brother that we see, how can we love God that no one has seen? and he voices the commandment from God that all that love God must love each other (love his bother).
In Chapter 5 John goes on reminds us that to overcoem the world we must h ave faith in Jesus and believe that he is the Son of God.
John mentions that the Spirit, Water and Blood are in agreement and the SPirit speaks only the truth ( A passage that has caused some debate at times).
John makes clear the testimony of God: God gave us eternal life and this life is his Son, Jesus, he who doesn't have the Son of God, doesn't have eternal life.
1John is so filled with love and hope and portrays so a loving and devoted God and Son that one wonders why so many forget the True message of God and the last commandment of the Son of God.
Love each other as he has loved us.
To give of each other as he gave of himself for Us.