The more I read the comments made by JW who still "believe" in the doctrines of the WT the more I see that they are in denial. First off they debate on a board they are not even supposed to be on, they are going directly against the GB counsel. When they debate they do not give the actual WT doctrine as an example they give their own personal opinion, their own interpretation a watered down version of the doctrine to make it look better, less aggressive. This is not the WT way, this is not the JW religion, you are creating your own version so you are also apostates. In JW land you are for or against, if you do not fully accept the teachings of the GB your are no longer a JW in the eyes of Jehovah because he uses the WT to talk to his people on earth, if you go against the GB you go against god.
What JW apologist do not understand.
by Anti-Christ 67 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
I think what they don't understand is that what "official WT policy" is and what is actually happening in reality are two ENTIRELY different things.
I agree with them, that the WTS teaches love and not judging.
But, that has not been anywhere close to what I experienced in the organization.
angel eyes
Hi Palmtree67,
Sorry to hear your experience within the organisation hasnt been good.Im sure when the new system is here so many of us will be pulling ourselfs through with limbs missing,where we have been battered about so much.
As for antis christ,unsure if you mean this site..but if thats the case then i have to disagree,this site has some jw still and not everyone on here is apostate....if i know of a few on here then why would i judge you all the same? Im here to make friends and have nice chats with them :)
as im doing now and have been....people on here are pleasent to me,i will always give respect and many on here treat me as i treat them.
angel eyes, would you feel comfortable telling the elders that you visit this site?
You see angel eyes (cool name BTW) the GB is very clear about discussion boards like this one, like bluecanary asked would you feel comfortable telling the elders you visit this site? What do you think their reaction would be?
but if thats the case then i have to disagree,this site has some jw still and not everyone on here is apostate....if i know of a few on here then why would i judge you all the same? Im here to make friends and have nice chats with them :)
That's very nice of you but... according to the WT yo can be DF for having a conversation with the likes of me and others who are "apostates"
I think what they don't understand is that what "official WT policy" is and what is actually happening in reality are two ENTIRELY different things.
I agree with them, that the WTS teaches love and not judging.
Yes a lot do not know what the "official WT policy" is or are just in denial. They teach the rank and file not to judge but the elders have the right to, they do teach love but they also redefine what loves is.
Angel Eyes.....
Please read the excerpt from the Sept 2007 KM
To be a JW is to obey fully the marching orders of the WTS.
And yet in 1John, for example, John says to "test the spirits" of what we are taught.
Paul echos that sentiment.
angel eyes
Hmmmm sept 07....wheres my kingdom min from then??? Ahhh i proberbly dont have sept or oct..hmmmmm...aug had treatment on my back so possibly i dont have it as i wasnt at meetings for 7 weeks,maybe just over 7 weeks??? Hmmmm got me thinking one told me lol
Glad the date of armegeddon wasnt in have missed it haha..soz in a cheery mood,well always am but today our wed anni :)
yippeeeeeee going out tonight...anyway soz gone off the subject....
Well as for the above yes its nice for them to warn us but its not unscriptual and the warning has been heeded.
Its one thing chatting on here and quite another mixing with people who continually attack Jehovah,i havent seen or heard any of you do that.Yes many have spoken through their pain,and i dont mean that in a patranising way...I feel your pain and wish to share it as to lighten your load,not meaning that in a preaching way but as a caring person to another.
Hope that all made two posts left then have to wait 21 hours till can post again,if you dont hear thats why :(
Pm me if you wish