What JW apologist do not understand.

by Anti-Christ 67 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • mraimondi

    "only a sith deals in absolutes"


    well - im not a JW, and i never plan on becoming one again. however, i will not simply dismiss all of their beliefs because SOME things they do are f\*king insane, and their organization is mostly to blame.

    i say it how it is, as i try to see it how it is. And that means sometimes butting heads with

    1. people who think JWs do everything right

    2. people who think JWs do everything wrong

    and getting labelled an "apologist" and an "apostate" at the same time.

    lay the f off the labelling.

  • jeeprube

    Angel Eyes, I just want to commend you for your caring attitude! You're one of the good ones, the ones that I miss.

  • Anti-Christ

    I agree Angel eyes sounds like a nice person.

    I don't like labels myself but in order to define an attitude it must be used. Back to the topic, what I'm going for here is why waist your time with a religion you do not fully accept? I understand that not all of it is bad but why call yourself a JW when you don't agree with the doctrines 100%? Can you call yourself a vegetarian if you eat fish? A religion defines itself by it's doctrine, if you don't accept the doctrine you don't accept the religion cause the religion is the doctrine.

  • passwordprotected

    Why do the JW apologists like Reniaa, Spike and angeleyes all write the same? Lots of random mis-spelling and lols.

  • mrsjones5

    a dearth of dictionaries or a total lack of knowledge of how to find an online dictionary site or possibly just plain laziness...take your pick

  • AK - Jeff
    AK - Jeff

    I don't recall who made the statement - but I seriously disagree that the Watchtower teaches love not judgement. They are all about judgement. It defines them. It defines those who fall under their spell as well. How could they avoid such, while immersed in the WTS thinking?

    Oh, they disguise it well - especially in the articles and books they expect the public to read. But that organization reeks with hatred and judgement of other religions, alternate lifestyle choices, the world's governments, and anyone who dares disagree with them on anything.

    And the trickle-down of those attitudes is absolutely a stench in some car-groups, and cliques. How many of us did not see our 'brothers and sisters' laughing at a family's Madonna in the front yard, or an atheists' opinions as they walked back to the car? How many did not see [or perhaps do so themselves] people in the pioneer group 'dividing up' the spoils - choosing a particular house they wanted to live in while the crows pecked out the eyes of the owner laying in the front yard?

    The organization is hateful - how could you classify them in any other way once you understand that for them to find 'peace, happiness and security in the new world' it requires;

    • That for every 1000 living souls on this planet, 999 will have to be killed, murdered by God for not agreeing with the things written in the magazines they produce? If you are unlucky enough to have lived in Bankok or rural India, you would still die though the closest you ever came to Jehovah's witnesses was the time your grandfather saw one selling books across the marketplace when he was 12 years old. Still, in his love, Jehovah has seen to it that 'this good news' got preached somewhere on your soil. You should have known!
    • That, in my little town of 9000, 'our loving heavenly father Jehovah' will be putting 8991 of us to death, so that nine Jw's can live!
    • That, in my small state of 7 million, 6,993,000 of us get to die so that a mere 7000 will live in paradise!
    • That, in my nation of 350 million, the loving God Jehovah will slaughter 349,650,000 of us! The surviving 350,000 will walk about watching the rest of us rot as example of why one should not cross this 'loving God' by disagreeing with His little known group of followers.

    That is, if the current percentages of Jw vs. the rest of us holds. 1:1000

    How can that translate to anything short of judgemental? The WTS and it's adherants major in judgement!


  • Big Tex
    Big Tex

    Jehovah's Witnesses are no different than any other fundamentalist sect. The very nature of fundamentalism is the demand on members that "we" are better than "them", or for that matter, anyone else on the planet. Fundamentalists are of the opinion that their belief system, and only their belief system, is The One True Way (or whatever).

    Of course Witnesses are judgmental. There is not only shunning, there is marking which is the ability to shun those one considers to be inferior to yourself. Such a system only feeds the ego of self which is diametrically opposite the philosophy of Christianity.

    And it creates miserable human beings, the type you don't want anything to do with.

  • Big Tex
    Big Tex

    BTW does anyone else find it ironic that on a thread about judgment and apologists that the ad is about Sarah Palin.

    Just sayin' . . . . . .

  • oompa

    i am not sure if apologists are any different from most dubs......many dubs...both those at attention, and those just floating through the sea of blissful truths........often have no clue as to current light, nor recent changes, nor past changes.........so are they all apologists??............oompa


    so are they all apologists??............oompa


    Just Clueless..


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