To the Household of God, Israel, and all that go with... may you have peace!
A bit ago a dear one and I were discussing the particulars of lending, with and without interest. The conversation included thoughts regarding the WTBTS' anti-christian practice of charging interest on loans to congregations for kingdom hall building. He was of the correct belief that a Christian should not lend to a brother with interest. This is true, whether one looks to the Old Covenant, which the WTBTS still does, unfortunately (Leviticus 25:35-37) as well as under the New Covenant, which they should be following but don't (Matthew 6:12). He was incorrect, however, in his belief that it was and is okay to lend to a stranger/enemy with interest. That is an error, dear ones, for a true christian never lends with interest to anyone, brother or enemy. Indeed, they do not even hope for the principal to be returned because they place much more value in the "happiness" they experience in giving than that in receiving something in return (Luke 6:35).
Some might argue that under the Old Law lending with interest to strangers was acceptable (Dueteronomy 23:19, 20); however, as Paul is quoted to say, "while all things are lawful, not all things are advantageous." The truth is that such lending actually caused Israel great distress as it ultimately created a culture of such greed that the nation became corrupt, violating the law by letting usury spill over and be charged to brothers. And so Nehemiah called for an end to the practice (Nehemiah 5:1-7, 10; Ezekiel 22:12).
So, why does the WTBTS lend funds to congregations with interest? Because (1) they belie the (new) covenant to which they claim to be a party; they do this because they don't know/understand the terms of that New Covenant, the greatest of which is love; (2) they don't know the term love, because they lack two of its elements, mercy and forgiveness; (3) they don't understand what it means to "forgive," as don't most of earthling man.
To "forgive," dear ones, means to let go of a debt BEFORE it is even owed: FORGIVE. It means to giveBEFORE. Let me give you an example, the one given me by our Lord, the Holy One of Israel, JAHESHUA MISCHAJAH. He gave me the example of the Father giving HIM... as a sacrifice for OURS sins... even before we came into the world. He FORE gave us life... by means of His Son... even BEFORE we committed whatever acts or transgressions that would have called for our lives to be paid.
It is the same with us: if someone sins against us, if someone owes us a debt, if we have grounds to have something "against" someone... we, as TRUE christians, having received the undeserved kindness and mercy of the Most Holy One of Israel, JAH of Armies, would have already LET THE DEBT GO... even before it was ever incurred! We would not hold something against another because we would have FORE GAVE of our love and mercy before such one ever became indebted to us or transgressed against us!
And why would we want to do this? Because we are commanded to (1) "All things you want men to do to you, you must also do to them," and (2) "love [our] neighbors... and our enemies... as [we love ourselves]." This means, if WE want the undeserved kindness and mercy of God to be upon us and our loved ones, before we even err... then we must also pass on such mercy and forgiveness to other. BEFORE they sin against us, not when and after.
What does this mean? It means, dear ones... let it go. Whatever it is that keeps you in anger - let it go. Whatever it is that keeps you in anxiety - let it go. Whatever it is that keeps you in hate - let it go. Does someone owe you interest? Forgive the interest. Indeed, forgive the entire debt, if you can? Has someone "transgressed" against you? Forgive them. Indeed, let your love "cover" their transgressions, even if they are a multitude. For love covers a multitude of transgressions, doesn't it? Indeed, be ready, always, to forgive. For your own sake, your own peace of mind, your own health, your own life.
I, SA, share this with you, just as I have received it from my Lord, the Holy One of Israel, JAHESHUA MISCHAJAH. I do not share it because he requires it of you or me. Indeed, neither God nor Christ require anything from any one of us. These things he shares with me for MY benefit, and I with you for yours.
May the undeserved kindness and mercy of the Most Holy One of Israel, whose name is JAH of Armies, and the love and peace of His Son and Christ, our Lord, JAHESHUA MISCHAJAH, be upon you... and your entire household... if you so wish it.
Your servant and a slave of Christ,