and the greatest of love and peace to you all!
Me and mine are doing quite well, dear beksbks, praise JAH, and peace to you! How are you and yours?
Glad you agree, dear Twinkle Toes, and much peace to you!
Dearest Parakeet, may you and your mother both have peace! I am sorry, I didn't respond until now - it's been close to 100 degrees here during the past 48 hours and my computer is located upstairs in the converted attic of my very old, as in built in 1932 so very non-air conditioned, house. 100 degrees outsides sometimes translates to 104 degrees inside so I have to wait until it cools down a bit to go online, you know? And I am also sorry but I don't have $10,000 right now; however, if you are serious (sorry, but I can't always tell and the Spirit doesn't always tell me) PM me your address I will send what I can. Unfortunately, it won't be much as I am unemployed right now, but JAH always, ALWAYS provides for me, so I would be happy to do what I can. Also, if you live in California, perhaps I can help you circumvent the health system (legally, of course) so that you can get your mother what she needs (I am assuming it is a life-necessary operation, right, and not, say, a boob job or tummy tuck? LOLOLOL! No, seriously, if there's anything I can do, let me know). I will also keep your mother in my prayers.
It IS mind-boggling, isn't it, dear BabaYaga (peace to you!), considering how "righteous", etc., they claim to be? Actually, it's wicked, even heinous. It's bad enough they are charging brothers, but charging on something THEY received... for FREE! C'mon now!! And it's sad, very sad, to know that the "brothers" don't even question it because they really believe they are giving "gifts to God." The TRUTH, however, is that one only gives a gift to God when one gives to one IN NEED, whether brother or stranger, for their sustenance and well-being! Otherwise, is very much like "corban" (you know, where they tell their members to give to the institution of the WTBTS rather than caring for a sick or aging parent, provide for a widow in her old age, or leaving an inheritance for their children, all of which are actually transgressions against BOTH covenants! The first century christians NEVER gave to any institution - they gave to widows, orphans, and those among them in physical need! Otherwise, they received what they did from the Spirit for FREE, and thus were commanded to GIVE it... FREE!) Mark 7:9-13; Matthew 23:14; 2 Corinthians 12:14; Acts 4:34, 35; Acts 6:1; Matthew 10:8
The greatest of love and peace to you, dear Emo, as well! I am glad that what I shared gave you cause to consider. And yes, we can CHOOSE not to ALLOW people or situations to cause us hurt IN THE FIRST PLACE! I am SO glad you stated it that way! Thank you and may JAH bless you and your entire household!
I remember the stories, dear Hamster (may you have peace!), about the African brothers and sisters who had to sit out in the baking sun for meetings because they didn't have a kingdom hall, and thinking HUH?? What the...??!! (Please excuse me, everyone, but it is what I thought!) How can we have (and brag to the world about!) all these fancy high-rise buildings in Brooklyn, and "Bethel homes" with mahagony and marble entryways, and [Stanford] theaters with crystal chandeliers, and... and... and.. and have folks sittin' out in the hot sun??!!! Where is the CHRIST is that?! Indeed, the Son of Man said he had NOWHERE to lay his head, and yet the WTBTS has (at the time) 25 pages (see center of Proclaimers' Book) of very valuable REAL ESTATE holdings all over the world? How can that BE??!" I remember one time the "brother" on the podium at the DA gave a "talk" chiding the U.S. witnesses because the brothers in Chile gave an average of $6 per member toward building the new Bethel plant there. Okay, so $6 per person doesn't seem like much, but then he let us know that $6 was equal to... one full year of pay for each person! I remember that I looked around and saw many folks with their heads hanging down in shame because they weren't giving more. Me? I was thinking, "And you TOOK it??!! How DARE you??!! How could you take a FULL YEAR'S wages from people who barely have a roof over their heads and food to eat?" I think that was the beginning of my disgust; unfortunately, I also still thought God was "with" them, though I didn't think He liked that particular practice.
Dearest, dearest Outlaw... always, always, the greatest of love and peace to you and your entire household, mon ami!
And finally, DC, m'luv, my brother, I have missed you! I am SO glad to hear from you... and to know you are "okay" (i.e., alive - LOLOL!). Check your PM when you get a few and, as always, may the undeserved kindness and mercy of my God and Father, the Most Holy One of Israel, JAH of Armies, and the love and peae of His Son and Christ, my Lord, JAHESHUA MISCHAJAH, be upon you... and your entire household, to time indefinite!
Thank you all for your kind words and the welcome! I am [always] glad to be here!
Your servant and a slave of Christ,