Whats up with all those crazy people who have begun posting here?

by bohm 43 Replies latest jw friends

  • cameo-d

    Bohm: "So back to topic: Whats up with all those crazy people?"

    Can you give us some names? Just to make sure we have the same ones on our list of nutjobs.

  • Twitch

    What do you mean "begun posting"? I've been posting here for years,....;)

  • undercover
    Can you give us some names? Just to make sure we have the same ones on our list of nutjobs.

    What if you're on the list?

    I'm thinking if you have to ask, then maybe that's your first clue...

  • cameo-d

    Underthecover: "What if you're on the list?

    I'm thinking if you have to ask, then maybe that's your first clue."

    It can't be me.

    I do not write my paranoid rants in ALL CAPS.

  • Billy the Ex-Bethelite
    Billy the Ex-Bethelite

    "...bring up the same tired paranoid rants again and again,..."

    Hey did you guys know that all the references to "the generation of 1914" are still in the Reasoning book? Yeah, the dubs are still taking that decade refuted "old light" from door to door!

    I guess I'm one of the "crazy peeps" sometimes.

    Yeah, there are plenty of crazies here, but I really think there are more per capita crazies at the local KH than there are here.

  • babygirl75

    We're in a recession, peeps can't afford their meds!

  • Big Tex
    Big Tex

    The Bildebergers have ordered the Trilateral Commission, Freemasons, Scientologists and the Taco Bell chihuahua to post crazy things to every discussion board on the Internet.

    We're waiting for Alex Jones to tell us what to do in response. Meanwhile put aluminum foil on your monitor.

  • What-A-Coincidence

    My psychologists tell me I am not crazy most of the time. ANyway, daniel-p and Big Tex are the biggest nutters on JWD ... i'm just sayin

  • Narkissos

    I don't think the number of "crazies" (which has included some nice, lovable, and occasionally interesting characters over the years) is rising, I rather feel that the interest and participation of other kinds of posters is steadily waning, making the former more visible.

  • Big Tex
    Big Tex
    ANyway, daniel-p and Big Tex are the biggest nutters on JWD ... i'm just sayin

    "You have no idea." -- Jeremy Irons portraying Claus von Bulow in Reversal of Fortune (1990)

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