Nominal christian, has to do w the name. Here are some examples of the wt's broad brush strokes:
*** yb92 p. 72 Kenya and Nearby Countries ***
Today, two thirds of Kenya’s population are nominal Christians, while in the whole of Eastern Africa, the figure is just under half.
*** w64 11/1 p. 646 Wolves in Sheep’s Covering ***
Promotion of the clergy-laity distinction among nominal Christians paved the way for harsh and autocratic rule of the masses, lacking in tenderness and love
*** yb74 p. 35 Central African Republic ***
Some have become nominal Christians because it was the popular thing to do. Others felt they had no choice. “When the priest came to school,” says one person, “I and other students fled into the bush so we would not be forced to become Catholic. But we were pursued and brought back and just had to listen and become Catholic.”
*** w06 12/15 p. 3 The Christmas Spirit All Year Round? ***
MILLIONS of people are familiar with these words of God’s angels announcing the birth of Jesus to shepherds who were watching over their flocks by night. At about the date that the churches claim that Jesus was born, many nominal Christians make a special effort to improve their behavior. The seasonal attention to joy, peace, and goodwill—qualities mentioned in the angelic proclamation—is often referred to as the Christmas spirit.
*** w05 6/15 pp. 11-12 Philo of Alexandria—Mixing Scripture With Speculation ***
Philo’s writings led to a religious revolution. His influence led nominal Christians to adopt the unscriptural doctrine of the immortality of the soul. And Philo’s teaching about the Logos (or, Word) contributed to the development of the Trinity, a non-Biblical dogma of apostate Christianity.
These are just a few. The wt loves to unmake a jw at the drop of a hat, or the missing of a month of field circus, or any one of many of it's standards. It loves to blanket label christians as false by calling them nominal. It loves to apply it's standards and subsequently it's labells to millions of people without so much as a second thought about how those people might rerspond. It takes no account. Rejecting the wt standards and applying more standardized ones is legitamate practice. It is also fair to use terms on the wt and its followers that the wt carelessy applies to others. That the wt may not accept those followers as true followers, is not relavent, because the level of devotion to the wt by those followers is similar of the devotion to christianity of those that the wt casually labells niminal christian.