I think the story here concerning Jehovahs Witnesses, is the influence the religion had on Ms Garridos upbringing and how that made her feel and make decisions as a grown woman.
Obviously she felt she had something positive to share about JW's assuming she is the one that introduced Garrido to the JW's.
I have alot of questions that I am curious about, I hope there is a book that answers them!!!
As far as the organization coming out with any difinitive connection the people in the news lately and what their standing is with JW's, it's not going to happen.
Even criminals from other religions have clergy that will support them. They do not shun. They do not take it personally.
Witnesses will distance themselves in a heartbeat when a Witness falls.
I don't say that for the case of Garrido, but in general.
How come they answer the phone at Watchtower as Jehovahs Witnesses?
Isn't it Watchtower Headquarters?