Why does the Almighty need a mediator?

by economy 12 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • economy

    God is alike to all of His children, hence cannot elevate one child above all others just because one was brought into existence before others. (Ezekiel 18:4) Someone has to be first-born which does not give him any superiority over others! Interestingly, Jesus simply dismissed the whole idea of one being placed over the others as “pagan.” (Luke 22:25) He even encouraged everyone to have direct relationship with God (Mathew 5:44-48; 6:9-13)—a concept that is found throughout the scriptures (Psalm 84:11; Hebrew 11:6; James 4:6-10; 1 John 1:9; Revelation 14:7 ….) In principle a mediator has no role to play between God Almighty and humans as “Father knows what you need even before you ask him.” (Mathew 6:8) That means question of Almighty feeling the need of a mediator doesn’t arise at all. Even if we assume that Almighty does need a mediator, it would necessarily require that another mediator is needed between humans and the primary mediator as this one is less than Almighty. This notion will only create an endless chain of mediators.

    Then how come we find contradictory verses in the Bible such as these: “No one comes to the Father except through me.” “Whoever believes in the Son has eternal life, but whoever rejects the Son will not see life, for God’s wrath remains on them.” (John 14:6; 3:36) Could these verses be uninspired? For example, a statement which Jesus could have rightly uttered only after reaching heaven is given as having been spoken by him while he was yet on earth—that too at the very outset of his ministry. (‘no one has ascended into heaven except me,’ John 3:13). If one verse is interpolated, why not some concepts or even the whole book itself?

    Take for example the very first verse of Gospel of John: “In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God.” What a confusion this verse has caused! Virtually every Christian sect has its own interpretation on this verse. God would not inspire a book that starts with a word (logos — the cosmic Mediator between God and the world) that means different thing to different cultures of that time (from spokesperson to the impersonal principle of Stoicism). When a communication is from God, it will be absolutely simple and will be impossible to be misunderstood by readers. The root concept of this verse can be seen in the East where it is taught that God first created sound, and from these sound frequencies came the phenomenal world; and AUM is said to be the most sacred of all sounds and the syllable which preceded the universe and from which the gods were created; AUM is god in the form of sound! Interestingly, the concept of logos as god is considered to be a later interpolation even in the Eastern Scriptures (Gita 7:8 where it says God is omnipresent, and exists even in “the sacred syllable AUM in all the Vedas”) which obviously contradict with many unambiguous statements showing God as a person! Thus it is strange that a notion that even the pagans consider to be interpolation into their scriptures found its way into the Bible! Thus concept of a mediator is pagan (so its greater application—appointment of a Faithful and Discreet Slave as God’s channel on earth). (Compare the apocryphal book WISDOM OF SOLOMON, the whole chapter 7 in general, and verse 22 in particular, plus Chapter 9).

    Our “power of reason” (Romans 12:1) would make us think: “If I am a person, my heavenly Father (my source) is also a person who must be like me in all respects (yet differing naturally only in degree), and hence can have a relationship with Him. The sentiment expressed in the ancient, famous phrase, ‘O God, wherever I am, you are with me', indicates the closeness of the soul and God. It expresses the experience of the presence of God, in a similar way to two lovers who carry each other in their hearts. In this way God's presence is a spiritual experience that one can have wherever he is. Image of God in each one’s mind may differ. Many people cherish a relationship with Eosope (famous ancient Greek fabulist) as a practical guide in coping with the challenges of day-to-day life, yet the mental picture of Eosope each one carries in his heart may differ from person to person if they have not seen his picture or sculptor. However everyone benefits from Eosope whether he really did exist or not!

  • Fernando

    Personally I believe a direct, personal and spiritual relationship with God is available to anyone who accepts the liberating and transformative word, message or gospel of grace which was initially published via prophets and then in human form.

    The man-made ideologies of magisterium and clericalism are not only redundant but obstructive.

    As Bill Maher observed, religion is a bureaucracy between God and man.

  • Heaven
    I am so done with Patriarchal belief systems. We no longer live in the Bronze or Iron Ages.
  • davidmitchell

    When a communication is from God, it will be absolutely simple and will be impossible to be misunderstood by readers.

    Eh? Where is any proof of this?

    Would make us think: “If I am a person, my heavenly Father (my source) is also a person who must be like me in all respect"/

    Again, how is this arrived at? The attributes of God, as narrated in the Bible, indicate he has (and can have) little in common with us.

    It is necessary to remember that when Christianity went into the Gentile (Greek) world, it embraced the conceptual world of Hellenism and had to use its language and imagery.

    John 1:1 is an example of using terminology that many groups at the time would recognise, e.g., Jews, Stoics, Gnostics, the students of Philo, etc., etc. They would be happy with all of John 1:1-13 and it would only be at 1:14 that they would have problems (In fact some writers believe that John 1:1-14 was a self-contained early Christian hymn or credal statement that the author of the Fourth Gospel tagged onto the beginning of his writing.

  • Finkelstein

    Strangely enough there are thousands of these so self described mediators who say they are being spiritually channeling god's will and purpose for all mankind .

    Yet they all are professing different teachings and call the others false.

    Maybe the concept in itself is false ?

  • economy

    davidmitchell16 hours ago

    You ask: Where is any proof for “When a communication is from God, it will be absolutely simple and will be impossible to be misunderstood by readers and for saying God is a person?”

    The primary purpose of my post is to trigger a thought in those who believe God and His supposed mediators that their belief does not hold out under scrutiny. I have no problem with those who do not believe in the existence of God—because atheists are always born as atheists and theists are always born as theists, yet their beliefs are their choice, and both the group are happy with their choice. You can find the PRINCIPLE beneath details of two verses Jesus made. (Mathew 11:14 & 12:35)

  • economy

    You got it correctly!

  • Witness My Fury
    Witness My Fury
    because atheists are always born as atheists and theists are always born as theists, yet their beliefs are their choice, and both the group are happy with their choice.

    That's total utter bollocks (along with a lot of what you say). Preconceived ideas much?

  • fukitol
    And if the mediator (Jesus) is also equally God, how could there be any mediator?
  • paradisebeauty

    Imagine your phone's battery is dying. A powerful nuclear reactor is near you. It's got all the energy you need but can you charge your phone from it?

    No, you need a transformer.

    I believe that God is such a force that people would really die if they saw God, or be in the presence as His full power. Just as God said to Moses. Noone can see me and live.

    But you would expect from the creator of the universe to be so powerful!

    The thing is we are humans and understand this material world where we live. The material world and the forces and energies we understand are between 3-5 % of the universe. The other 95-97% we have no idea about.

    Similar with God, we say person because we are persons, and know what a person is but we can not even imagine or perceive his nature. Entity, spiritual being, inteligence. He reveald Himself to us through things we know and can understand. It is like explaining light or color to a person who was born blind.

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