I got this in an email today,
Does anyone have the full daily text for this day?
I was reading to days text. and here is something that I've notice. In the Spanish daily text we read in part:
"*** Texto del sábado, 05 de septiembre de 2009 ***
Por ejemplo, se ha valido de apóstatas y de otros medios para tratar de hacernos creer que las enseñanzas del esclavo son falsas
If I was to translate it literaly, I would translate: The teaching from the Slave. Anyone would. for the spanish this would be direct and it means.. what the FDS or the GB teaches. But note how the Daily text re writes in English:
*** Text for Saturday, September 05, 2009 *** He has tried to use apostates and others to convince us that the teachings we follow are false. If I was to translate this into spanish, it would say "las creencia que tenemos" or las "ense~nazas que seguimos" which mean our biblical beliefs. The spanish version basically says apostates claim what the Slave teaches is wrong, while the english version says our biblical beliefs are wrong.. or what we learn from the Bible is wrong. The Spanish text focus on the Slave, the English on the Bible.