The Daily Text~translation of meaning

by purplesofa 12 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • lescopains




    Saturday, September 5


    adversary,theDevil,walksaboutlikearoaringlion,seekingtodevoursomeone.—1 Pet.5:8.

    Since we are imperfect, it can be a challenge to produce spiritual fruitage, avoid the works of the flesh, and resist the pressure exerted by Satan’s world. Nevertheless, we are determined not to allow discouragement resulting from personal weaknesses, temporary failures, or physical limitations to affect the strength of our faith or diminish our love for Jehovah. We know that Jehovah will preserve the great crowd alive through the great tribulation. All the same, we are constantly on guard because we know that our real enemy is the Devil, and he does not give up easily. He has tried to use apostates and others to convince us that the teachings we follow are false. But that tactic has usually failed. Similarly, although persecution has sometimes slowed down the preaching work, often it has served only to strengthen the faith of those persecuted. w08 1/15 5:10, 11




    Samedi 5 septembre


    adversaire,leDiable,circulecommeunlionrugissant,cherchantàdévorerquelqu’un.1 Pierre 5:8.

    Puisque nous sommes imparfaits, il peut nous être difficile de produire le fruit de l’esprit, de nous garder des œuvres de la chair et de résister à la pression exercée par le monde de Satan. Malgré cela, nous sommes résolus à ne pas laisser le découragement dû à des faiblesses personnelles, à des échecs temporaires ou à des limites physiques amoindrir la force de notre foi ou diminuer notre amour pour Jéhovah. Nous savons que Jéhovah veillera à ce que la grande foule survive à la grande tribulation. Reste que nous sommes constamment sur nos gardes, car nous savons que notre véritable ennemi, c’est le Diable, et qu’il ne renonce pas facilement. Il tente, par le moyen d’apostats et d’autres individus, de nous convaincre que les enseignements auxquels nous adhérons sont erronés. Mais cette tactique échoue généralement. Autre échec : alors que la persécution ralentit quelquefois l’œuvre de prédication, elle a souvent pour effet de fortifier la foi de ceux qui la subissent ! w08 15/1 5:10, 11.

  • WTWizard

    In any language, I would have had more love for God had He decided to seize the opportunities to make me happy, which is the only way humans can grow to love anyone (by developing good personal associations between that Being and good things). Asking me to love Him based solely on what He does for others, whether in the present or in the Bible (which lies) is blatantly too much--plus He pushes it beyond the limit, demanding that I do without things (like the opposite sex, or the right to make opportunities with them without having them all run and hide or complain), and still love Him.

    It is this, not temporary failings on my part or temptation from any Devil, that is why I have zero love for that Almighty Lowlife Scumbag. Giving me bad things, attributing my dissatisfaction to "imperfection"--sure sounds like that Almighty Lowlife Scumbag never intends on giving me the things hoped for, nor does He ever want me to even have them from any source.

    Besides, why would I want to love any Being based on a scam?

  • BurnTheShips

    Purps, the difference you highlight is correct. The Spanish directly says "The Slave" and the English is more indirect.


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