him guys im back again! bit worried i havent been meetings at my hall for 10 months i went sometimes with my dad to his (to please him) tho he knows i dont want anything to do with the 'truth'
anyway i got bit drunk on weds and did something stupid and my brother (a very into it dub) caught me and reported me to the elders! now im just waiting to see if they will contact me, i told my dad i would tell them to go away if they came as i havent been for ages but he says i shouldnt say that as they may dissassiocte me,
i know u may all say so what but anyone that knows me knows that i have been confused now for ages, and finally i thought i was in a good place where 3 men dont come round and decide if i lose my family again or not, my dad is sooo upset he knows ill never go back and he is hurt but im dealing with that but how the hell can i be threatened with dfing when im not even a witness?