jeanniebeanz, This sounds similar to the line that right wing radio jocks are mere entertainers. Like the example of Ann Coulter who equates "fat" women with liberals and insults them both.
As a fat female Republican *ducks rotten fruit... Hey... knock it off! I'm talkin here!* I am offended (not) at Ann Coulter's statement (if true). some folks are easily offended... lol...
What these hatemongers don't realize is that there are tens of millions of people who take them seriously.
That's a fact... people need to 'broaden out in their understanding' (sorry) of politics and take in information from all sides of the argument not blindly follow either sides rhetoric. But to say that someone cannot have a contraversial show because there may be someone take them seriously? That's a stretch...
As for the facts that the circumcision story is based on it is a report from the CDC which has no connection to Obama.
Oh, come on. You know that he's practicing his circumcision technique as we speak and will be coming for our son's any minute now. Obama gets the blame for everything right now because he has had sh**ty advice from his so called, advisors and until he addresses that, this kind of suspicion will continue.
Bottom line, there is nothing funny about Rush Limbaugh even when he's telling a joke.
Hmmmm... I am earnestly searching for your sense of humor, but it seems to be missing. Tell me a joke so that I can be sure it is still there! You're beginning to worry me...