I too have fond memories of Fred Franz. I served in Brooklyn Bethel from 1978 to 1987. Brother Franz would go to the 119 Columbia Heights sauna every Wednesday night. He had a small following of brothers, including me, who would also go on Wednesday nights to the sauna just to pick his brain. Brother Franz was a very humble brother but also a very intelligent Rhodes scholar, and a very astute Bible student. Well on these Wednesday nights a group of about 12 of us would pile into a small sauna. Once we all were seated, Brother Franz would say, "Alright brothers- who has the first question?" He knew we were there to ask him questions. One brother would venture a question and brother Franz would say, "So what research have you done?" Then he would ask the rest of us what we had to say about the question. And finally he would tell us what he knew about that subject. It was a very memorable experience to say the least!
And Ray Franz, the apostate, is his nephew. I was there when his cronies were trying to disrupt the peace we had and were eventually disfellowshipped and removed from Bethel.
creates visions in my brain that I don't want to have.