Fred Franz--a few highlights of one of the few of the 144,000--Prophet of
1944 The fall of Jerusalem was moved back one year from 606 to 607 BC. ("The
Kingdom is at Hand," 1944, pp.171-175) Don't you kids try that at home. This
made it suit the time that was given for the start of the Gentile Times--moved
from 606 BC to 607 BC in 1943.
LAWYER: At any rate, Jehovah God is now the editor of the paper, is that
F.FRANZ: He is today the editor of the paper.
LAWYER: How long has he been editor of the paper?
F.FRANZ: Since its inception he has been guiding it.
LAWYER: Even before 1931?
F.FRANZ: Yes, sir.
1986 "Would That All Were Prophets! You will be interested to learn that God
has on earth a people, all of whom are prophets, or witnesses for God. In fact,
they are known throughout the world as Jehovah's Witnesses." ("Awake!" June 8,
1986, p.9)
"What is required if one is to become an approved associate of Jehovah's Wit-
"Such a person must accept the entire range of Bible teachings, including
those Scriptural beliefs that are unique to Jehovah's Witnesses." ("The Watch-
tower," April 15, 1986, p.31)
Prediction about the end of the millennium:
1989 "The apostle Paul was spearheading the Christian missionary activity.
He was also laying a foundation for a work that would be completed in our 20th
century." ("The Watchtower," January 1, 1989, p.12)
Later that year it was decided that the wrong supernatural voice gave that
advice and to deny and cover up having ever listened to them:
1989 "We have ample reasons to expect that this preaching will be completed
in our time. Does that mean before the turn of a new month, a new year, a new
decade, a new century? No human knows.." ("The Watchtower," October 1, 1989)
"20th century" of the Jan.1, 1989 tract was re-written as "day," without an
editor's correction note, for the JWs bound collection of tracts:
1989 "The apostle Paul was spearheading the Christian missionary activity.
He was also laying a foundation for a work that would be completed in our day."
("The Hand of Jehovah Was With Them," "The Watchtower," Jan. 1, 1989, p.12)
Special knowledge about earthquakes:
"In comparison with the previous 2,000 years, the average per year has been 20
times as great since 1914." ("Reasoning from the Scriptures," 1985, p.236)
How to show a kid you love them with a birthday party:
"This tragedy can be avoided with proper teaching from as early in the in-
fant's life as possible...the chapter explains that the only two birthday par-
ties mentioned in the Bible were celebrated by pagans, who did not worship Jeho-
vah, and that at each party 'someone's head was chopped off.' (Mark 6:17-29;
Genesis 40:20-22) How can you use this information to reach your child's
heart?" ("The Watchtower," Aug.1, 1988, pp.13,15)
Ooo--I feel all warm and gooey inside.
Accurate knowledge proves the existance of Satanic atheistic fossil links,
Satanic atheistic medical use of blood and major blood fractions, Satanic
atheistic Civil Service dentists, and that all non-JWs preachers are Satanic and
"The faith of Jehovah's Witnesses is under attack from all sides--by the
clergy of Christendom who hate the Kingdom message we take from house to house,
by apostates who collaborate with Christendom's clergy, by medical authorities
who want to impose blood transfusions on us and our children, by atheistic
scientists who reject belief in God and the creation, and by those who try to
force us to compromise our neutrality. All this opposition is orchestrated by
Satan, the ruler of darkness and ignorance, the enemy of accurate knowledge."
("The Watchtower," Dec.1, 1989, p.12)
"Who are you going to believe--me or your own eyes?" (Groucho Marx):
"So the expression 'every eye will see him' means that everyone will then"
(1914) "understand or recognize that Christ is present" ("Paradise," 1982, p.
146) (The JWs leaders maintained the Nelson Barbour view that Russell main-
tained about Rev.1:7.)
It's generally thought that the Shema, prayer, and worship were a few of the
most important ways 1st cent. Jews showed belief in the one God.
This is a Satanic apostate lie. Actually, a distinguishing feature of 1st
cent. Jews is that they beat people to death with rocks if they thought they saw
an angel:
"To whom should prayers be addressed?
"The Bible book of Hebrews speaks of a person that 'approaches God.' (Hebrews
11:6) Who is this God? There is but one almighty God, though there are many man-
made and false gods. (1 Corinthians 8:5, 6) The almighty God of the Bible is
named Jehovah. (Psalm 83:18) He is the Creator of all things, and for this
reason prayer should be directed only to him. ("The Watchtower," March 15, 1988,
"But what about the apostle Thomas' saying, 'My Lord and my God!' to Jesus at
John 20:28? To Thomas, Jesus was like 'a god,' especially in the miraculous
circumstances that prompted his exclamation. Some scholars suggest that Thomas
may simply have made an emotional exclamation of astonishment, spoken to Jesus
but directed to God."
The NWT (Fred Franz, editor) re-wrote "Lord" as "Jehovah" at Acts 2:21, Rom.
1:13, etc.
"And they went on casting stones at Stephen as he made appeal and said: 'Lord
Jesus, receive my spirit.' Then, bending his knees, he cried out with a strong
voice: 'Jehovah, do not charge this sin against them.' And after saying this
he fell asleep [in death]." (Acts 7:59,60, NWT)
People who want JWs to be helped with the medical use of blood and major blood
fractions are sexual brutes. Flee from their grubby grasps even if you have to
suffer for the sake of righteousness:
" force blood on a Christian would be the equivalent of forcible sex--
rape." ("How Can Blood Save Your Life?" 1990, pp.4,8,14,20,22,27)
"How strenuously should a Christian resist a blood transfusion that has been
ordered or authorized by a court? God's law must be obeyed! ...if a court-
authorized transfusion seemed likely, a Christian might choose to avoid being
accessible for such a violation of God's law.... If a Christian did put forth
very strenuous efforts to avoid a violation of God's law on blood, authorities
might consider him a lawbreaker or make him liable to prosecution. If punish-
ment did result, the Christian could view it as suffering for the sake of right-
eousness." ("The Watchtower," June 15, 1991, p.31)