I never was in there so called truth, I tried but they would not let me. There were already lies being told about me, someone else with my same name was in the comunity news paper, and I have a grug that will not go away being abused by JW's as a youngster, so I do not want to explain myself to JW's. I told them to bring there WTs to the meeting, and leave there news paper at home.
I witnessed another child beating at the KH so I reported it to the propper authorities.
Mathew 7:20 Really then by their fruits you will recognize those [men]
I do beleive that Jesus is now on the throne, and I do beleive the scripture stating that Jesus will rule amongst his enemies for a short time, and I do beleive Jesus is using the government to protect children.
It is a blessing from Jehovah that I was never excepted by the child beaters. Amen...