Biblically speaking, God has many names. What name should we use? Marvin T. Wilson, author of the book "YHWH in the Bible, Divine Titles, Names and Attributes will be the guest on the telephone conference call "In Search of Truth" this coming Saturday Sept.12,2009 to discuss this subject. Since Jehovah's Witnesses insist on using what they say is the only name for God, Jehovah, they may surprised to hear what Marvin's research has discovered. If you would like to hear and be part of this telephone conference call, it can be heard on the Six Screens telephone network. This program immediately follows the Six Screens conference call. The time of the program will be 9:30 p.m.EST on Saturday Sept. 12,2009. Dial the following number (712)432-8710 and use pin number 9925. There is no caharge for the call, just your normal calling rates apply. Here is a link to the last two programs.
Does God have a name?
by the research lady 11 Replies latest jw friends
Yes. B-I-N-G-O. Bingo is his name O.
Actually, God's name is Phil. :)
On a serious note, whiel most "rank and file" JW's still spew the "Jehovah is God's only true name" stuff, the conversations I have had with some elders has shown me that, just like their book "The name that will endure" states, Jehovah is not THE name of God but one of the many versions of YHWH and they verison they (JW's) choose because it is easily identifiabel with the OT YHWH and with themselves.
Yes, He has names that He lives up to.
Like "Baghead".
Like "Almighty Lowlife Scumbag".
Like "Almighty Sore Loser".
Out at Last!
How about Rumplestiltskin, slept through second coming, time of end. Or maybe just name him "DEAD"
Howard be His name
His name is Annu, he is Annunaki. He is from Nibiru, also known as planet x.
God is like a corporation or collective of entities. The being who looks out
for mans good is Enki aka Satin the debil
The God who tried to destroy man with the flood and causes war and suffering is Enlil
aka Jehovah.
Yes - his name is ................................
Dave Gimour the greatest guitar hero ever
*now I have a jingle stuck in my head*