ive been angry angry posting :( and Im not a horrible person
god im angry
by creativhoney 41 Replies latest jw friends
What are you angry about???? Did I miss something?????
I was too busy beaking off last night, myself!!!
i was angry at another poster. an elder asking what he should do on a JC.
it made me angry that people like my mum trust them implicitly and ignore me at their word, and here they are consorting with me and she doesnt.
it makes me sick.
John Doe
Are you angry because you feel your mom is that way, or angry because of the mind control?
angry because people who are elders and 'representing jehovah' are coming on here to speak to shunned ones for advice and having a giggle about it all.
if they dont believe it but are too scared to leave sink in a corner and stop putting your hand up. dont be on peoples judicials. thats just wrong.
John Doe
if they dont believe it but are too scared to leave sink in a corner and stop putting your hand up. dont be on peoples judicials. thats just wrong.
I agree to a point. However, our manner of dealing with the cult is a personal decision for everyone. It's easy to forget that they may not be scared, but may be attempting to effectuate change from within. I haven't read the posts you're talking about though.
I hear what you say. I just feel in this case, if you dont believe, dont get the power, dont control others. all the time i was a witness who was disillusioned i never put my hand up or spoke on the ministry or took a lead and i made that clear. - I didnt feel in a positon. I think if you are on the edge as an elder and then say you have avoided JCs for 2 years, then thats a long time. step down, and just dont be in that position. its not the worst judgmement. they must like the position or they would have dropped it. I dont care who you are, I was a JW for 25 years. if you arent worthy of being an elder, yes its a stigma to step down but people still accept you. if you keep that position for 2 years whilst not believing it then you are just a hypocrite. I dont see it any other way. making light of judicial committees by calling it a brain fart is just pathetic. they need to grow a backbone and admit who they are. Pharisees.