Documentary About The Flood and Noah's Ark

by Blue Grass 121 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • Leolaia

    The ending of the program is quite hilarious:

    "The evidence is overwhelmimg. We have the biblical accounts, historical accounts, the local accounts of the villages around Ararat, the eyewitness sightings, the discoveries of wood by Fernand Navarra, and the scientific tests. We have seen how the scientific community has carefully examined every aspect of the ark account. The conclusion is that greater story of the Bible, Noah and the ark, is impeccably true. The ark is here all right. On this mountain. We could send teams of archaeologists up there right now and attempt a major excavation. But that day must wait. The Turkish government has banned all travel and expeditions to this great mountain. Ararat seperates Turkey from Russia and the political implications of foreigners being on the mountain might easily cause a serious international incident. It's sad when you think about it. The politics of nations now stand in the way of the legacy of man. The ark must remain here, buried beneath a blanket of ice and snow, until the world is at peace."

  • PSacramento

    Isn't this an old program?

    I recall the "In search of..." Series years ago, they did Noah's ark and they did Bigfoot and a few others I can't recall just now.

  • darkl1ght3r

    "Two things I found very interesting in this program is a theory that one person had about how they believed the flood was caused due to a meteor hitting the ocean creating a tsunami that flooded the entire earth. Scientist were unanimous in their view that this is a very plausible scenario and that there is no way to rule this possibility out."

    A theory that one person had? Scientists were unanimous? What you mean is that the "scientists" they interviewed said it was a plausible scenerio. That is certainly NOT a consensus among the scientific community. And THERE IS a way to rule that possibility out. It's called evidence... and as yet, THERE IS NONE TO SUPPORT THAT CLAIM. The facts show that there is no reason to think there was a worldwide disaster around the given timetable for the flood in the Bible.

    "If that is how the flood happened, that would answer the question of where did the water come from and where did it go."

    No it doesn't. Not in the slightest. That's just wishful thinking on your part. Do some actual research instead of latching on to some baseless claims that superficially support your favorite childhood bedtime story. Flood waters from a tsunami would subside in a matter of days, maybe weeks, but not a year. And you forget that we're talking about enough water to cover the highest mountains. For a year. A YEAR.

    "Another thing I found interesting is that despite the fact that the producers of the program didn't believe in the Bible's account of a global flood, even they had to acknowledge that there was at least a localized flood that wiped out a lot of people in the Middle Eastern area due to the overwhelming evidences."

    Yes. There is evidence of a LOCALIZED flood in the Mesopotamian region around the supposed time of the Noachian flood. But that evidence is far from overwhelming, and if true (heres the point you're missing) it would still mean that the Biblical account is incorrect. The logic you're using here is equivalent to saying that because the historical city of Troy existed, then the events described in Homer's Odyssey could have taken place as well.

    "...the fact that it's been recorded by so many different civilizations is evident that a major flood took place in earth's history."

    No. It's evidence that floods are common in human history, which is to be expected considering that ancient peoples typically settled near ample water sources. You're assuming all of the stories originated with the same event. And even if they did, it doesn't give credence to your version of choice as the ONE true account.

    "For example if two people say they saw a blue car crash a tree, your natural reaction wouldn't be to think one is copying other, but that a car (most likely blue) hit something (most likely a tree)."

    Right. And what if a third and fourth "witness" came up and said it wasn't a blue car, but rather a red truck, and the it didn't hit a tree but rather a light pole? But then two more "witnesses" approached and said the others were lying and that it wasn't a car or truck at all, but an airplane that hit a communications tower? And what if still another "witness" approaches and says it was a magical carriage driven by pixie faries and didn't crash but stopped abruptly to dispense candy to children waiting on the street corner and then magically disappeard in a poof of fire and smoke?

    THAT is more like the situation we're dealing with when we consider all of the various flood accounts. Now consider that the crash took place in the distant past, in an undisclosed location, and that the witnesses were anonymous, dead, lived in different regions of the world, and at different times in history.

    What reasonable conclusions can be drawn from tieing together all those disparate stories? Very few.

    "It wouldn't be logical to think so many people thousands of years ago who didn't know each other decided to simultaneously make up the same fairy tale."

    True. IF it were the same fairy tale. But it's not. It's many different fairy tales that happen to share a common theme. Many, many myths from around the world share common themes. This doesn't mean they're not still myths. I recommend reading the works of Joseph Campbell for some scholarly perspective on common themes in mythology. In particular the Masks of God series, and The Hero With a Thousand Faces.

    I recommend reading them. But I doubt you will. Real research is hard. And it takes courage.

    LOGIC. You can't buy it at Wal-Mart.

  • darkl1ght3r

    Great post Leolaia... I didn't read it untill after I posted mine... I overlapped a few of your points. :)

  • Perry

    Hi Bluegrass,

    I think you'll find plenty of holes in the "billioins of years" and uniformitarianism assumptions here:

    I also met with Dr. Carl Baugh and saw the dino human foot prints together:

    There is plenty stuff out there for those with eyes to see.

  • Blue Grass
    Blue Grass

    I just want to warn everyone that the video link that Leolaia posted is NOT the documentary I am referring to. The documentary I saw came on the National Geographic Channel. That documentary viewed the possibilities of a global flood from purely a scientific level and the producers were obviously not believers in the Bible's account of the flood. Needless to say that quote Leolaia made is not in the video I watched. I 'm not sure if this Roger Rusk guy is the one I saw in the video but he didn't say anything remotely close to a shift of the earth's axis so I doubt it's him. I tried to find a link to the program I saw but couldn't find one, I'll look again to avoid any farther confusion as I now notice that several programs share the same title as the documentary that aired on the National geographic Channel.

    NOTE: My apologies, the program is actually entitled "Search For Noah's Ark" NOT "In Search Of Noah's Ark"

  • badboy


  • The Almighty Homer
    The Almighty Homer

    So why are these ancient stories being told today, thousands of years later , ..........oh yeah they all sell.

    By virtue of known biological acceptance today we can solidly confirm without doubt that the great flood was indeed one of many stories told

    of the grossly vengeful unjust ancient god know today and ancient times as Jehovah the Almighty.

    See what your god did Perry he killed innocent children, the sick and the elderly.

    Is your god really a just and loving one ?

    Maybe they were just ignorant on what caused floods and the only plausible answer was the gods did it......ummm

    There we go again with that human ignorance factor thats been mentioned so many times before.

  • Leolaia

    I don't buy the Black Sea hypothesis as an explanation of the closely-related biblical and Mesopotamian stories. The inundation is currently dated to 7500 BC (earlier than the original dating), and that is way too early to pertain to the archaeology of Chalcolithic Mesopotamia or the migration of Indo-European peoples (which could not have occurred before 4000 BC).

    It also probably lies beyond the reach of historical memory. Just like there is amnesia of events of one's earliest childhood, there is a limit of how far back a preliterate culture could recall events of the distant past. Even in our own highly literate society, the average person only has the vaguest notion of medieval history and many of our own popular folktales have a medieval setting. One great preliterate example concerns the extent to which the Eskimos of Greenland recall the Viking settlers who went extinct around AD 1500. The tales they tell about the Norsemen have nothing to do with actual Greenlandic history since the same tales are told by the Eskimos of Alaska and throughout the Inuit world. So while there is some sort of vague memory of such a people, the stories told about them draw on the pre-existing cultural reservoir of folktales. So that is a time depth of only 400-500 years. In some cultures, genealogies go back only seven or eight generations. In the OT itself, the Pentateuchal writers belonging to Iron II era (c. 600-500 BC) have only a vague notion of the Hittites and Amorites of the Middle Bronze Age (e.g. 1900-1500 BC). And in the Ugaritic writings of the Late Bronze Age (c. 1300-1200 BC), the Amorite tribes of the third millennium BC have already receded into myth. Within Mesopotamia itself, the Uruk king Gilgamesh (c. 2700 BC) was already deified and made the center of legendary epic writing in c. 2200 BC and the Sumerian King List of c. 2000 already perceived the pre-Dynastic Jemdet Nasr and Uruk periods (c. 5000-3000 BC) as a distant time of myth involving gods and kings ruling for tens of thousands of years. All of these perserved at least kernals of historical memory, despite the time depth of 500-1,000 years. But in the case of the Black Sea inundation, the time depth is much, much longer — more like 5,000 years. To give some idea of distance in time this involves, 5,000 years ago the Egyptian civilization was only just getting started and the pyramids still lay several hundred years in the future. Imagine the current population of the Middle East recalling the very first king of Eygpt without any records and writing existing in the interim, relying only on oral tradition and legends. I am quite skeptical that oral memory can really go back that far without being displaced by myth.

    Besides, there is ample literary and archaeological evidence that the Mesopotamian flood legends pertain to a series of catastrophic floods in southern Mesopotamia in the fourth and early third millennia BC. The legends locate the "Flood" in place (e.g. at the city of Shuruppak) and time (e.g. just before the Early Dynastic period) that fits rather well with the archaeology of Mesopotamia. There were other major floods at Kish and Ur that also may have contributed to the legend (the earlier flood at Ur was probably the most devastating of the bunch).

  • Perry


    If God says the earth was ruined.. I simply take his word for it. Everyone must place his trust in someone....don't you think? Why is it that I never hear you be critical of man's genocides?

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