"This is interesting. Here's a newly discovered ocean....it's true. Right here on good 'ole planet earth:"
Yes that is interesting. Science is truly an amazing thing. It still does nothing for your flood fantasy. If you had read the article carefully they're not talking about an underground "ocean" (ala Journey to the Center of the Earth) but rather the total amount of water contained in one portion of the earths mantle under eastern Asia. Whats interesting is that the explanation of how it got there completely goes against both your "young earth" fantasy and your flood fairy tale. Please read and TRY to comprehend the entire article next time, instead of getting excited over a sensational headline.
"For the record, I am not saying that the known "evidence" supports a global flood."
That's good you admit that. Because NONE of it does. Yet you believe it anyway. Strange.
"As the secularists gain control of the world, people who view themselves as apes like Missing Link will increasingly make the rules of life and death for others, marrying their ideology to the state."
Blah, blah, blah. Typical right-wing fundie slippery-slope argument. Bullsh!t.
"Whereas Christianity was supposed to be separate from government, this separateness is the duty of all Christians."
AMEN! At last we agree on something! Now if only we could convince the remaining 99% of your fundamentalist bretheren of this, and try to get them to stop using our religion-neutral Government to legislate their irrational beliefs! Lets collaborate!
"Secularists are under no such obligation."
In principle, sure. Since there is no "10 Commandments of Secularism". But, if you think this something to be concerned about, you don't understand secular humanist philosophy very well. Which doesn't suprise me. Basically, 'To each his own' is an extremely strong opinon among secularists. They (we) only get riled up when the Government is used to legislate particular religious views. For example, when school boards try to force students to learn about creationism instead of science. Your brethren seem to think that by not being allowed to shove their religion down other peoples throats, that somehow THEIR rights are being impinged upon.
Secularists seek only a society where the religious and the non-religious are equally free.
"Have you ever known a secularist that wasn't a baby killer?... even if passively. I haven't. Yet these are the same people that scream obsenities when presented with the mangled fruit of their choices. It's called denial. These same folks deny huge holes in their uniformitarianism theory that drives their arrogance. It is all related."
Have you ever known a Christian that wasn't a bloodthirsty warmonger?... even if passively? I haven't. Yet these are the same people that scream 'persecution' when presented with the violent and barbaric nature of their history, holy book, and God.
The "huge holes" you describe are only in the heads of fundamentalits. Not in the science. You havn't described any that havn't been handily shot down yet. Would you care to name some more? I'd also like to point out the fact that you've ignored my earlier comment that if you think that there are things (or "holes") left unexplained by current theories, there would be a mountain UNIVERSE of unexplainable phenomena if we tried to force a young age on this obviously old universe.
The "old earth/universe" theories WIN because they exaplian FAR MORE than other so-called "theories". Oh, and they also win BECAUSE THEY'RE BACKED BY ALL THE EVIDENCE.
You accuse science of arrogance, when the driving force behind it are statements such as, "I don't know if..." and "I wonder what happens when..." and "I wonder how..." Where as in religion the statement is "I ALREADY KNOW AND NO AMOUNT OF EVIDENCE CAN CONVINCE ME OTHERWISE." It takes humility to be willing to change ones viewpoint, no matter how cherished. THAT is the definition of intellectual honesty and a vital quality that nearly all creationists lack.
"Like I've said many times, people see what they want.... and some of these people want to force others through intimidation to "see" as they do."
Pot calling the kettle black much? Ironically, I don't know any atheist that wants to force other to believe as they do. But historically... this is exactly what Christians are known for.