We rarely go. But, we went because hubby wanted to tell the Elders we are switching halls.
At first, I thought to myself that I would go out back with her when she gets fussy. But, my baby doesn't really get fussy a lot so I just took her out back and played with her as she laughed hysterically. Even the Elders came over to just watch her laugh and nobody complained about my being loud. I guess they couldn't help themselves with a laughing baby!
My hubby was an attendant. (I don't know why, we have barely been there. I guess they haven't noticed? ) He just stopped doing his job to hold his baby for a bit and talk sweet nothings to her!
I must say, it was great being out back playing with my baby! We even went outside and took a walk! It's really great not feeling guilty for being able to really enjoy your baby during the meeting and not have listen to a cult.