We went to the meeting last night...

by cognac 37 Replies latest jw friends

  • cognac

    We rarely go. But, we went because hubby wanted to tell the Elders we are switching halls.

    At first, I thought to myself that I would go out back with her when she gets fussy. But, my baby doesn't really get fussy a lot so I just took her out back and played with her as she laughed hysterically. Even the Elders came over to just watch her laugh and nobody complained about my being loud. I guess they couldn't help themselves with a laughing baby!

    My hubby was an attendant. (I don't know why, we have barely been there. I guess they haven't noticed? ) He just stopped doing his job to hold his baby for a bit and talk sweet nothings to her!

    I must say, it was great being out back playing with my baby! We even went outside and took a walk! It's really great not feeling guilty for being able to really enjoy your baby during the meeting and not have listen to a cult.

  • BluesBrother

    In some congregations that I have been in..the "back room club" of Mums and babies is a seperate meeting of its own, with no relation to the real meeting at all. We provided a loudspeaker in the backroom but they turned it down to silent. Presumably it interrupted their conversations

    In those days I was critical, but now I know that they had the right idea...

    PS..It is nice to hear of your happiness with Baby Cognac ...

  • isaacaustin

    Cognac, I remeber the days i used to go with my wife. I would do the same- go outside with our baby and let him run and play (and tell him he doesn't have to go- simply to voice that!)

    Of course, not going is even better. :smile:

  • cognac

    Thanks Blues! Yes, I think they have the idea! I mean really, they talk the whole meeting, lol! And you are also right, I do love Baby Cognac! Right now she is sleeping... I miss her when she sleeps. I hope she wakes up soon so I can play with her!!!

  • cognac

    Isaac - Nice not to have to feel guilty for doing such things, huh????

  • angel eyes
    angel eyes

    are you saying you werent allowed out the back to play with your babies? or they were making you feel uncomfortable in doing that?

  • isaacaustin

    AE, I personally was never approached on it. However, my mom once was taking one of our kids and she said he was crying and making noise and she got a lot of dirty looks from elders. So, she put a blanket on the floor and he sat on it quietly...until an elder came over and told her she can't do that, the KH is not a playground and it doesn't look good. So my mom picked up the blanket and sat on the floor with him...until that elder came back and told her she could not sit on the floor either, it doesn't look good. Definitely not a kid-friendly place. My mom never took our son again.

    At my church it is extremely kid-friendly. Not only do they have a nursery where the kids get age-appropriate attention, but if the parent opts to keep their kids with them and the kids get noisy it is not such a tense, tight setting as the kingdom halls are.

  • bluecanary

    angel, have you been to a meeting recently? Parents are told that Timothy learned the scriptures from infancy and so should their babies. Children, no matter how young, should sit still and be quiet, listening to the speakers. If your baby makes any noise, you will be escourted to the back room.

  • cognac
    are you saying you werent allowed out the back to play with your babies? or they were making you feel uncomfortable in doing that?

    I guess you didn't grow up as a JW? Or, maybe your parents just weren't to strict? lol, anyways, in most halls I've been to it's VERY uncomfortable if you have a loud kid and I did feel the pressure! I have family members who have gotten spoken to about there loud kids and I got a shepparding call when my kid was about 2 months old all about discipline at the meetings... They weren't telling me to discipline at that age, but they said for the future. I guess it was to help prevent problems? But they said the meetings are not for play time but it's for learning about Jehovah, bla, bla, bla...

  • cognac
    angel, have you been to a meeting recently?

    Recently? As in, there was a time the were not like that? lol, j/k bc!


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