Please let active JWs comment here first. I am especially inerested in their response as to whether the governing body is God's channel of truth, leading the members of the congregations, the sum of whom cumulatively make up Jehovah's organization. If so, why, and on what basis.
Are the Jehovah's Witnesses, under the direction of the GB Jah's org?
by isaacaustin 81 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
I'm not an active member, although I do go to the odd cultfest every now and then.
You asked that active JW's comment on here first. What do you expect them to say? First off, any active JW on here should be ashamed of themselves, after all, it's sites like this that the WTB$ warn them against.
Anyway, back on topic........
Jehovah is tool. He doesn't exist, he can't exist. Read the bible, cover to cover and you'll see for yourself that the god of the bible cannot be a real entity. Therefore, in my opinion, the GB are just normal men, who have had it good.
God_delusion, I definitely agree with your last sentence.
Why, thank you Isaac Austin
angel eyes
Gd yes we are waned regarding sites as we are warned regarding asociating with work collegues.....however there is a huge difference in warning someone of risks and telling them they cant!! We arent told we cannot....ive never been told i cannot go on a site....just warned regarding the people and being misled,which wont happen because often i see flws in what people say and out of kindness wont speak out and just allow them to slam me for not repsonding.....other times i see their view point yet can always see both sides of the story and then too i will end the topic for i know it will just continue forever................
angel eyes
Yes the GB are used by Jah. They are no part of the world (although yes imperfect and some may change their course and need to be removed) The org have nothing to do with politics (the u.n rumour was a lie which they confirmed!) All members are whole souled in the evangelizing work (isaiah 43v10.12) They preach Gods name. They have self sacrificing love for eachother. They as an org follow scriptures much much more than anyother religion...they have never ever gone to war...history itself shows that these men are clearly Jahs earthly channel.
They have a wonderful understanding of the scriptures and give us our spiritual protection and food ALWAYS...but just as satan misled Judas and many others today he also will and has misled some from the gb....yet no one would leave a loving org that have immense love for mankind and who only ever want to protect even if yes at times that may seem like we cant do this or cant do that,they are wanting whats best for us. We should show humility towards them and faith in Jah that when things maynot seem right or go over looked,whatever the case maybe,faith in Jah that he WILL deal with it(or did we only serve him when it was going well for us) and humilty in showing a waiting attitude on behalf on the gb.
LOVE endures all things..................
AE, they warn you to beware of those who speak things not favorable about the organization (even if one does not speak of Jehovah himself). Why is this?
You just repeated with RC say about the Pope and the Vatican Council and what all other religiosn say about their "governing bodies".
AE try telling an Elder that you are visiting site, you will be told in no uncertain terms that you shouldn't be. When you are warned of the dangers of something by the WTS, it is not optional to avoid it, it is compulsary.
angel eyes
yup told them................