This is not meant as an attack, but I am looking for answers. I am assuming for the sake of this discussion that whatever the GB claims as its postion on anything doctrinal is correct. And I am trying to determine why they were chosen in 1919, based on those teachings from that period- since it is the official teaching of the WT that Jesus chose them at that time.
Are the Jehovah's Witnesses, under the direction of the GB Jah's org?
by isaacaustin 81 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
To compare ANY present day organization or group of people to ANY apostle is so wrong, I don't even know where to begin !
angel eyes
Are these other religions REALLY being no part of the world??? Do they live total scriptual lives? Do they not smoke out of respect for life?
Do they not get drunk and live up to bible commands, fornication,adultary etc? Do they use Jahs name in their worship?
Jw are the one religion i know where those who leave or are removed continue to attack the org...thats evidence that we as apart of Jahs org must be serving Jehovah for we well know that we shall be attacked. Satan hates Jehovah,cant you see how he misleads people. "The path of the righteous one is like the bright light that is getting brighter until the day is firmly established..prov 4v18.x
Thanks otwa..... :)
PSac, the GB teaches that apostolic succession is not a Bible teaching, the apostles have no successors. So PSac, that would also be a question. Are the GB claiming to have the same authority as the apostles?
Witness 007
We are run by a bunch of senile old religious fanatics.........awesome, the combined years they must have in a mind control cult!
WHat other religions may or may not do is NOT for YOU or ANYONE else to judge, its for God and Jesus and don't worry, God and Jesus will judge them as he will judge the WT and every single ONE OF US as INDIVUDUALS, so whatever we do, we will be judged on and saying, " I was following the advice of the GB" won't be an excuse, it may actually be cause for punishment.
AE said: Are these other religions REALLY being no part of the world??? Do they live total scriptual lives? Do they not smoke out of respect for life?
My reply: There are MANY Christian who do! There are many Christians who do not smoke, and live totally scriptural lives.
AE said:Do they not get drunk and live up to bible commands, fornication,adultary etc? Do they use Jahs name in their worship?
My reply: They live up to Bible commands regarding morality and I pointed to you different groups that use the name of God.
AE: Jw are the one religion i know where those who leave or are removed continue to attack the org...thats evidence that we as apart of Jahs org must be serving Jehovah for we well know that we shall be attacked. Satan hates Jehovah,cant you see how he misleads people. "The path of the righteous one is like the bright light that is getting brighter until the day is firmly established..prov 4v18.x
My reply: There are many groups where those who leave speak out against the church- I know personally a Mormon couple doing just that! Look online and you will find MANY outreach programs for exMormons, 7th Day Adevntists, etc. Yet those orgs keep right on going. COuld they be God's org?
As we know, the WT and the JW has NO verifiable ties to the orginal apostles, there is NOTHING that ties them to the first generation or second or 3rd or 4th, etc generations of Apostles, there is NO sucession, no lienage.
They started with Russell, to go beyond that is them grasping at straws and trying to claim a legitimacy that they do NOT have any claim to.
AE, since the points you have brought up to this point I have shown to not be unique to the JWs, what are we left with as to why they are God's org? What were they teaching/doing up till 1919 that made them stand out as special. Acccording to the GBs official teaching they are not God's org because of what they are today. They were selected in 1919 due to their track record. So what stands out as special from that time frame?
You are a sneeky man !!
I don't think AE knows anything about 1919 and what the JW believed not only at that time but for decades after !