Minimus had a great thread recently asking if any who were witnesses felt guilt as a Jehovah's Witness. Thought I would build on that a little dealing with how you have moved on AFTER being a Jehovah's Witness ?
One definition of guilt in the American Heritage dictionary is : " Self-reproach for supposed inadequacy or wrongdoing ". Many of us as former Jehovah's Witnesses were made to feel a self loathing, or that we weren't good enough in God's eyes, the WT societies eyes, or the elders eyes and that we could NEVER do enough to make up for our deficiencies. Have you been able to develop self esteem after exiting the JW cult ? Or has the damage been such that it is taking YEARS to build up your self esteem ?
One definition of fear in the same dictionary is : " A feeling of agitation and anxiety caused by the presence or imminence of danger. " As Jehovah's Witnesses we were all led to believe in an alleged " time of the end " in which Armageddon ( supposedly ) was coming to destroy any wicked who did not align themselves with Jehovah's Witnesses or the WT society. It has been shown that the WT societies proclamations of this supposed Armageddon were false. 96 years has passed since the WT societies prediction of being in the alleged " time of the end " . Nothing's happened. Have you been able to move on from the fear instilled in you by the Jehovah's Witnesses ? Are you fearful of Armageddon anymore, or do you think it was a false tactic used to keep you under control and fear ?
One thing that ALL mind control cults use on it's members to keep control of their lives is guilt and fear. Indeed the two legs that mind control cults walk on and operate on : Are guilt and fear. Personally I feel lucky to have moved on from it. I am no longer afraid of Armageddon. I don't believe it's real . It was a scare tactic used to control us. And I don't feel guilty anymore. I try to do good things in my life in helping others so I have NOTHING to feel guilty about ! No matter WHAT any mind control cult says.
So- How are you all doing ? Are you moving on ? I know it's hard , but you know what ? Life is good - and whether or not you are Christian, atheist, or agnostic - the big bad dream that was put on you and your mind as a Jehovah's Witness was not true. I hope you are doing better in life and happier now post-witnesses ! As always - I look forward to all of your responses. Peace out to all of you, Mr. Flipper